Tent Meeting at Butte City, CA in 1918

This report appeared in the December 1918 issue of The King's Business:

"Evangelist Wm. P. Nicholson has closed a month's revival in Glenn Co., Calif., which has stirred the communities participating as nothing ever has in their religious history. Five rural communities joined together pitching a tent in a central location, and here the crowds assembled until at times the tent was full to overflowing. It is said that salvation by grace has been little taught in these communities and Mr. Nicholson's elevation of the precious blood resulted in the confession of many people. Prof. B. P. Stout had charge of the music, having a fine chorus, and delighting the people with his solos.

Thirteen Portuguese Catholics took their stand for Christ the last Sunday night of the meetings."


The King's Business, Vol. 9.12, December 1918, pg 1053, http://www2.biola.edu/kingsbusiness/view/9/12/33