"In Christ's Stead"

"In Christ's Stead"

Our Savior came down from His glory above;

He lived and He died to reveal His great love.
And when from the grave the victoriously rose,

The message was given to those whom He chose.

Ascending on high to the right hand of God,

Triumphant He keeps those who walk where He trod.
Still burdened at sight of the multitudes lost,

He pleads that we reach them, not counting the cost.

"Be ye reconciled," is the message we bring,

We come as ambassadors of Jesus our King.
He died in our stead, thus preparing the way,

Now we can no longer the challenge delay.


In Christ's stead--what a privilege rare.

In Christ's stead--this with others we'd share.

In Christ's stead--we're commissioned to go

Till all the nations salvation shall know.

By Melvin Friesen