Recording Grave Shift Hours

Recording Grave Shift Hours

This page contains basic instructions for recording time properly for grave shift hours in timecard.biola.edu.

To record grave shift hours, your supervisor must first enable this feature for your timecard. See Enabling the grave shift option.

On this page:

Grave shift hours are recorded on the day that the hours are worked. At midnight you must report the remaining hours on the next day.

Previously grave shift hours could roll over into the next day if they were part of the same work shift. Due to a change in policy you can no longer report hours into the next day. If you work from 10pm - 2am, you will report 10pm - 12am on the first day, then 12am - 2am on the second day.

Example hours: 

  • Work from 10pm - 2am on Friday night
  • Take a 1 hour meal break 
  • Finish your shift from 3am - 7am on Saturday morning

Correct method of recording hours:

  • Friday: 10pm - 12am
  • Saturday: 12am - 2am
  • Saturday: 3am - 7am

Marking work periods as grave shift hours

To mark a work period as grave shift hours, your supervisor must first enable this feature for your timecard.

Instructions: Click on the "Mark as grave" button on any work period to record as grave shift hours.

Results: Your work period should now show as grave

More grave shift screenshots



Daily breakdown

  • displays the moon icon
  • hours are recorded on the day the hours were worked, breaking at midnight.