World Renowned Hymns

World Renowned Hymns

World Renowned Hymns is a 1909 hymnal edited by Reuben Archer Torrey and published by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. 246pp

Capitalizing on the fame of his round-the-world revival tours, Torrey assembled the songs and hymns that had been important in his meetings.

This hymnal contains Torrey's own hymn "Bless Thou Jehovah," (tune by Charles H. Gabriel)

Bless Thou Jehovah

Oh, my soul bless thou Jehovah,

God of love and grace art Thou;

Thou alone art wise and holy;

At Thy feet I humbly bow.


Bless Jehovah, O my soul, Him extol;

Bless Jehovah! Cry aloud! On Him call;

Bless Jehovah! at His feet humbly fall,

And crown Him Lord of all.

Thou Thy Son hast freely given,

All our sins to bear away;

On the cross He made atonement,

Then to Glory led the way.

He for us received the Spirit,

Precious gift of love divine;

Shed Him forth upon Thy children;

Now forever He is mine.

Jesus soon again returneth,

Evermore with Him I'll be,

Like Him thro' the endless ages,

Saved for all eternity.