Torrey's Publications

Torrey's Publications

How To Bring Men to Christ (NY: Revell, 1893), 121pp

Vest Pocket Companion for Christian Workers (NY: Revell, 1895), 118pp

How to Study the Bible for Greatest Profit (NY: Revell, 1896), 121pp

How to Obtain Fulness of Power in Christian Life and Service (NY: Revell, 1897), 76pp

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit (NY: Revell, 1897), 77pp

The New Topical Text Book; a Scripture text book for the use of ministers, teachers, and all Christian workers; with introduction on "methods of Bible study", 1897

What the Bible Teaches (NY: Revell, 1898), 539pp

Our Bible, co-author with Charles Leach (1898)(Contains "Ten Reasons Why I Believe the Bible is the Word of God")

Gist of the Lesson 1899-?

Divine Origin of the Bible (Chicago: Revell, 1899), 93pp

Ought Christians to Keep the Sabbath? (Chicago: Revell, 1898), 45pp

How to Pray (1900)

Hard problems of the Bible___examined and explained (1900)

How to Promote and Conduct a Successful Revival (Chicago: Revell, 1901)

Christian Life Card (date unknown)

How to Make a Success of the Christian Life (date unknown)

How to Work for Christ (Chicago: Revell, 1901), 518pp

Personal Work (NY: Revell, 1901), 186pp (being part I of: How to work for Christ)

Revival Addresses (NY: Revell, 1903), 271pp

The Bible and its Christ (NY: Revell, 1904-1906), 189pp (being noonday talks with business men on faith and unbelief)

Talks to Men (NY: Revell, 1905), 138pp Same book as The Bible and Its Christ

Real Salvation and Wholehearted Service (London: James Nisbet, 1905), 267pp

How to Succeed in the Christian Life (NY: Revell, 1906), 121pp

Anecdotes and Illustrations (NY: Revell, 1907), 185pp

Difficulties and Alleged Errors and Contradictions in the Bible (NY: Revell, 1907), 127pp

Studies in the Life and Teachings of Our Lord (Chicago: BICA, 1907), 347pp

Practical and Perplexing Questions Answered (Chicago: Moody, 1908), 129pp

Wie Beten Wir? (German translation of How to Pray), 1908

How to Study the Bible (NY: Oxford, 1909), 29pp

World Renowned Hymns (ed) (LA: Biola, 1909), 246pp

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit as Revealed in the Scriptures and Personal Experience (NY: Revell, 191-), 262pp

The Higher Criticism and New Theology (ed), (NY: Gospel Publishing House, 1911), 284pp (unscientific, unscriptural, and unwholesome)

Resurrection of the Lord Jesus (LA: Biola, 1913), 31pp

Return of the Lord Jesus (LA: Biola, 1913), 142pp

Second Coming of Christ (LA: biola, 1915)

Shepherd Psalm (LA: Biola, 1915), 29pp

Individual Soulwinning (LA: Biola, 1917), 31pp (its obligations and its methods)

How to Grow in Grace (LA: Biola, 1917), 20pp

The Voice of God in the Present Hour (NY: Revell, 1917), 255pp

The Fundamentals, 4-volume edition, edited by R. A. Torrey (1917)

Exact Truth Regarding an Eternal Hell (LA: Biola, 1918), 48pp

Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith (NY: Doran, 1918), 328pp

Peanut Patriotism and Pure Patriotism (LA: Biola, 1918), 12pp

What the War Teaches (LA: Biola, 1918)

Will Christ Come Again (LA: Biola, 1918), 31pp (An exposure of the foolishness, fallacies and falsehoods of Shailer Mathews)

Four Great Essentials (LA: Biola, 1920), 14pp

The Real Christ (NY: Doran, 1920), 189pp

Importance and Value of Proper Bible Study (NY: Doran, 1921), 113pp

The Gospel for Today (NY: Revell, 1922), 216pp

Death Defeated and Defied (LA: Biola, 1923), 46pp

Is the Bible the Inerrant Word of God? (NY: Doran, 1923), 185pp

The God of the Bible (NY: Doran, 1923), 246pp

How to Be Saved and How To Be Lost (NY: Revell, 1923), 218pp

Why God Used D.L. Moody (Chicago: Moody, 1923), 59pp

The Power of Prayer and the Prayer of Power (Revell, 1924), 246pp

The Christ of the Bible 1924

Divine healing___does God perform miracles today?

The Bible, the Peerless Book (NY: Revell, 1925), 43pp

Getting the Gold Out of the Word of God (NY: Revell, 1925), 64pp

Soul-Winning Sermons (NY: Revell, 1925), 485pp

The Holy Spirit___Who He Is and What He Does (NY: Revell, 1927), 201pp

The Baptism with the Holy Ghost (1928)

Studies in the First Epistle of John (1929)

Traits and Tracts of Torrey, edited by Louis Talbot. Not dated.

Torrey also wrote numerous articles and devotional studies, the gist of the lesson, and put his endorsement behind many books. Through the Biola Book Room, he endorsed a set of books that every Christian should read, The Montrose Library.