The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord

The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord

The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord is a book by T.C. Horton. It is a series of meditations on the names of Christ found in the Bible. It's full title is The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord, Three-Hundred Sixty-Five Names and Titles of the Lord Jesus Christ as Found in the Old and New Testament, One for every day in the year. It was published in 1925. The meditations were written by Horton and Charles E. Hurlburt, General Director Emeritus of the African Inland Mission.

The Names

  1. The Seed of the Woman
  2. The Angel of Jehovah
  3. Shiloh (Peacemaker)
  4. The Stone of Israel
  5. Manna
  6. The Meat (Meal) Offering
  7. The Peace Offering
  8. A Star
  9. A Sceptre
  10. The Captain of the Host of the Lord
  11. The Rock of My Salvation
  12. The Light of the Morning
  13. Tender Grass
  14. The Daysman
  15. My Glory
  16. The Lifter Up of Mine Head
  17. Fortress
  18. A Worm and No Man
  19. My Shepherd
  20. Restorer
  21. The Strong and Mighty Jehovah
  22. Jehovah, Mighty in Battle
  23. King of Glory
  24. My Strong Rock
  25. My Rock and My Fortress
  26. “The Rock That is Higher Than I
  27. A Strong Tower
  28. A Stranger and an Alien
  29. The King’s Son
  30. Rain Upon Mown Grass
  31. Showers Upon the Earth
  32. My First-Born
  33. The Head Stone of the Corner
  34. My High Tower
  35. Wisdom
  36. Excellent
  37. Understanding
  38. A Friend that Sticketh Closer than a Brother
  39. Ointment Poured Forth
  40. Bundle of Myrrh
  41. Cluster of Camphire
  42. A Rose of Sharon
  43. The Lily of the Valleys
  44. Him Whom my Soul Loveth
  45. The Chiefest Among Ten Thousand
  46. Altogether Lovely
  47. The Branch of the Lord
  48. Jehovah of Hosts
  49. The Child
  50. A Sanctuary
  51. A Great Light
  52. Wonderful
  53. Counsellor
  54. The Mighty God
  55. The Everlasting Father
  56. The Prince of Peace
  57. The Light of Israel
  58. A Rod Out of the Stem of Jesse
  59. A Branch Out of His Roots
  60. The Root of Jesse
  61. The Ensign of the People
  62. My Strength and My Song
  63. A Nail Fastened in a Sure Place
  64. A Glorious Throne to His Father’s House
  65. Strength to the Poor and Needy
  66. A Shadow From the Heat
  67. A Refuge From the Storm
  68. The Rock of Ages
  69. A Crown of Glory
  70. A Diadem of Beauty
  71. The Foundation
  72. A Sure Foundation
  73. A Tried Stone
  74. A Covert From the Tempest
  75. As an Hiding Place From the Wind
  76. Shadow of a Great Rock in a Weary Land
  77. As Rivers of Water in a Dry Place
  78. The King in His Beauty
  79. Our Lawgiver
  80. Jehovah
  81. The Lord Jehovah
  82. The Everlasting God
  83. A Light of the Gentiles
  84. Mine Elect
  85. The Polished Shaft
  86. The Holy One of Israel
  87. A Root Out of a Dry Ground
  88. A Man of Sorrows
  89. My Righteous Servant
  90. My Maker
  91. The God of the Whole Earth
  92. A Witness to the People
  93. A Leader
  94. A Commander
  95. The Redeemer
  96. Thine Everlasting Light
  97. The Angel of His Presence
  98. Our Potter
  99. Balm of Gilead
  100. My Physician
  101. My Portion
  102. The Hope of Israel
  103. A Righteous Branch
  104. David, Their King
  105. Resting Place
  106. The Shepherd of Israel
  107. Feeder
  108. A Plant of Renown
  109. A Stone Cut Without Hands
  110. Ancient of Days
  111. The Prince of Princes
  112. The Hope of His People
  113. A Ruler
  114. Strong-Hold
  115. Wall of Fire
  116. My Servant, the Branch
  117. King Over All the Earth
  118. The Branch
  119. Jehovah My God
  120. The King
  121. The Messenger of the Covenant
  122. Refiner
  123. Purifier
  124. The Sun of Righteousness
  125. Jesus Christ
  126. The Son of David
  127. Son of Abraham
  128. Jesus
  129. Emmanuel
  130. A Governor
  131. The Young Child
  132. A Nazarene
  133. Friend of Sinners
  134. The Servant of Jehovah
  135. My Beloved
  136. A Sower
  137. The Christ
  138. Jesus the Christ
  139. My Beloved Son
  140. The Prophet of Nazareth
  141. Master
  142. The Bridegoom
  143. The Holy One of Israel
  144. Our Brother
  145. Thou Son of the Most High God
  146. The Carpenter
  147. The Son of Mary
  148. Good Master
  149. Son of Man
  150. A Ransom
  151. One Son, His Well Beloved
  152. Christ, the Son of the Blessed
  153. The King of the Jews
  154. The Son of the Highest
  155. God of My Saviour
  156. Horn of Salvation
  157. The Highest
  158. The Dayspring from On High
  159. Christ, the Lord
  160. The Babe
  161. The Consolation of Israel
  162. The Lord’s Christ
  163. The Salvation of God
  164. A Light to Lighten the Gentiles
  165. The Glory of Thy People Israel
  166. A Sign
  167. The Child Jesus
  168. Physician
  169. Lord of the Sabbath
  170. A Great Prophet
  171. The Christ of God
  172. A Certain Samaritan
  173. The Master of the House
  174. A Guest
  175. A Certain Nobleman
  176. The Chosen of God
  177. A Prophet Mighty in Deed and Word
  178. The Word
  179. The Light of Men
  180. The True Light
  181. The Only Begotten of the Father
  182. The Lamb of God
  183. The Son of God
  184. Rabbi
  185. The King of Israel
  186. His Only Begotten Son
  187. The Gift of God
  188. Messiah
  189. The Christ, the Saviour of the World
  190. The True Bread from Heaven
  191. The Bread of God
  192. The Bread of Life
  193. The Living Bread
  194. The Light of the World
  195. I AM
  196. The Door of the Sheep
  197. The Good Shepherd
  198. One Shepherd
  199. The Resurrection
  200. The Christ, the Son of God
  201. A Grain of Wheat
  202. Master
  203. The Way
  204. The Truth
  205. The Life
  206. The Vine
  207. The Overcomer
  208. Our Keeper
  209. The Sent of the Father
  210. The Man
  211. My Lord and My God
  212. A Man Approved of God
  213. Thine Holy One
  214. The Holy One and Just
  215. The Prince of Life
  216. The Holy Child Jesus
  217. A Prince and a Saviour
  218. The Just One
  219. Lord Jesus
  220. Lord of All
  221. The Judge of the Quick and the Dead
  222. That Man Whom He Hath Ordained
  223. Jesus of Nazareth
  224. Jesus Christ our Lord
  225. The First-Born Among Many Brethren
  226. His Own Son
  227. God Blessed Forever
  228. Lord Over All
  229. The Lord
  230. The Deliverer
  231. Lord Both of the Dead and the Living
  232. Minister of the Circumcision
  233. The Power of God
  234. The Wisdom of God
  235. Righteousness
  236. Sanctification
  237. Redemption
  238. The Lord of Glory
  239. The Foundation
  240. Our Passover
  241. The Spiritual Rock
  242. The Head of Every Man
  243. The First-Fruits of Them That Sleep
  244. The Last Adam
  245. The Lord from Heaven
  246. A Quickening Spirit
  247. The Image of God
  248. The Unspeakable Gift
  249. Christ
  250. Head Over All Things
  251. He That Filleth All in All
  252. Our Peace
  253. One Lord
  254. The Head
  255. An Offering
  256. A Sacrifice to God
  257. A Sweet-Smelling Savour
  258. A Servant
  259. The Lord Jesus Christ
  260. His Dear Son
  261. The Image of the Invisible God
  262. The First-Born of Every Creature
  263. Creator of All Things
  264. The Head of the Body
  265. The Beginning
  266. The First-Born from the Dead
  267. Hope of Glory
  268. Christ Our Life
  269. All and in All
  270. The Lord Christ
  271. Lord of Peace
  272. Our Hope
  273. Christ Jesus
  274. The Mediator
  275. The Man Christ Jesus
  276. God Manifest in the Flesh
  277. Blessed and Only Potentate
  278. The Judge of Quick and Dead
  279. The Righteous Judge
  280. The Great God
  281. God Our Savior
  282. Heir of All Things
  283. The Brightness of His Glory
  284. The Express Image of His Person
  285. The Upholder of All Things
  286. The Sin Purger
  287. God
  288. The Captain of Our Salvation
  289. The Seed of Abraham
  290. The Apostle
  291. The High Priest
  292. The Builder
  293. The Great High Priest
  294. A Priest Forever
  295. Author of Eternal Salvation
  296. The Forerunner
  297. King of Righteousness
  298. King of Peace
  299. The Surety
  300. Our Intercessor
  301. Separate from Sinners
  302. Higher Than the Heavens
  303. The Minister of the Sanctuary
  304. Mediator of a Better Covenant
  305. The Testator
  306. He That Shall Come
  307. A Rewarder
  308. The Finisher of Faith
  309. The Author of Faith
  310. Mediator of the New Covenant
  311. My Helper
  312. Jesus Christ the Same
  313. The Great Shepherd of the Sheep
  314. That Worthy Name
  315. A Lamb Without Blemish or Spot
  316. A Chief Corner Stone
  317. A Living Stone
  318. An Elect Stone
  319. A Precious Stone
  320. A Stone of Stumbling
  321. A Rock of Offense
  322. The Bishop of Souls
  323. The Just
  324. The Chief Shepherd
  325. The Day Star
  326. Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
  327. The Word of Life
  328. That Eternal Life
  329. The Advocate
  330. Jesus Christ
  331. The Propitiation
  332. The Son
  333. The Saviour of the World
  334. The True God
  335. Eternal Life
  336. The Son of the Father
  337. Jesus Christ
  338. The Faithful News
  339. The First Begotten of the Dead
  340. The Prince of the Kings of the Earth
  341. The Alpha and Omega
  342. The Almighty
  343. The First and the Last
  344. He That Liveth
  345. The Morning Star
  346. The Hidden Mana
  347. The Amen
  348. The Faithful and True Witness
  349. The Beginning of the Creation of God
  350. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
  351. The Root of David
  352. Holy and True
  353. The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne
  354. The Lamb Slain
  355. King of Saints
  356. Lord of Lords
  357. King of Kings
  358. Lord God Omnipotent
  359. Faithful and True
  360. Word of God
  361. The Temple
  362. The Light of the City
  363. The Offspring of David
  364. The Bright and Morning Star
  365. The Testifier