The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord
The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord
The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord is a book by T.C. Horton. It is a series of meditations on the names of Christ found in the Bible. It's full title is The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord, Three-Hundred Sixty-Five Names and Titles of the Lord Jesus Christ as Found in the Old and New Testament, One for every day in the year. It was published in 1925. The meditations were written by Horton and Charles E. Hurlburt, General Director Emeritus of the African Inland Mission.
The Names
- The Seed of the Woman
- The Angel of Jehovah
- Shiloh (Peacemaker)
- The Stone of Israel
- Manna
- The Meat (Meal) Offering
- The Peace Offering
- A Star
- A Sceptre
- The Captain of the Host of the Lord
- The Rock of My Salvation
- The Light of the Morning
- Tender Grass
- The Daysman
- My Glory
- The Lifter Up of Mine Head
- Fortress
- A Worm and No Man
- My Shepherd
- Restorer
- The Strong and Mighty Jehovah
- Jehovah, Mighty in Battle
- King of Glory
- My Strong Rock
- My Rock and My Fortress
- “The Rock That is Higher Than I
- A Strong Tower
- A Stranger and an Alien
- The King’s Son
- Rain Upon Mown Grass
- Showers Upon the Earth
- My First-Born
- The Head Stone of the Corner
- My High Tower
- Wisdom
- Excellent
- Understanding
- A Friend that Sticketh Closer than a Brother
- Ointment Poured Forth
- Bundle of Myrrh
- Cluster of Camphire
- A Rose of Sharon
- The Lily of the Valleys
- Him Whom my Soul Loveth
- The Chiefest Among Ten Thousand
- Altogether Lovely
- The Branch of the Lord
- Jehovah of Hosts
- The Child
- A Sanctuary
- A Great Light
- Wonderful
- Counsellor
- The Mighty God
- The Everlasting Father
- The Prince of Peace
- The Light of Israel
- A Rod Out of the Stem of Jesse
- A Branch Out of His Roots
- The Root of Jesse
- The Ensign of the People
- My Strength and My Song
- A Nail Fastened in a Sure Place
- A Glorious Throne to His Father’s House
- Strength to the Poor and Needy
- A Shadow From the Heat
- A Refuge From the Storm
- The Rock of Ages
- A Crown of Glory
- A Diadem of Beauty
- The Foundation
- A Sure Foundation
- A Tried Stone
- A Covert From the Tempest
- As an Hiding Place From the Wind
- Shadow of a Great Rock in a Weary Land
- As Rivers of Water in a Dry Place
- The King in His Beauty
- Our Lawgiver
- Jehovah
- The Lord Jehovah
- The Everlasting God
- A Light of the Gentiles
- Mine Elect
- The Polished Shaft
- The Holy One of Israel
- A Root Out of a Dry Ground
- A Man of Sorrows
- My Righteous Servant
- My Maker
- The God of the Whole Earth
- A Witness to the People
- A Leader
- A Commander
- The Redeemer
- Thine Everlasting Light
- The Angel of His Presence
- Our Potter
- Balm of Gilead
- My Physician
- My Portion
- The Hope of Israel
- A Righteous Branch
- David, Their King
- Resting Place
- The Shepherd of Israel
- Feeder
- A Plant of Renown
- A Stone Cut Without Hands
- Ancient of Days
- The Prince of Princes
- The Hope of His People
- A Ruler
- Strong-Hold
- Wall of Fire
- My Servant, the Branch
- King Over All the Earth
- The Branch
- Jehovah My God
- The King
- The Messenger of the Covenant
- Refiner
- Purifier
- The Sun of Righteousness
- Jesus Christ
- The Son of David
- Son of Abraham
- Jesus
- Emmanuel
- A Governor
- The Young Child
- A Nazarene
- Friend of Sinners
- The Servant of Jehovah
- My Beloved
- A Sower
- The Christ
- Jesus the Christ
- My Beloved Son
- The Prophet of Nazareth
- Master
- The Bridegoom
- The Holy One of Israel
- Our Brother
- Thou Son of the Most High God
- The Carpenter
- The Son of Mary
- Good Master
- Son of Man
- A Ransom
- One Son, His Well Beloved
- Christ, the Son of the Blessed
- The King of the Jews
- The Son of the Highest
- God of My Saviour
- Horn of Salvation
- The Highest
- The Dayspring from On High
- Christ, the Lord
- The Babe
- The Consolation of Israel
- The Lord’s Christ
- The Salvation of God
- A Light to Lighten the Gentiles
- The Glory of Thy People Israel
- A Sign
- The Child Jesus
- Physician
- Lord of the Sabbath
- A Great Prophet
- The Christ of God
- A Certain Samaritan
- The Master of the House
- A Guest
- A Certain Nobleman
- The Chosen of God
- A Prophet Mighty in Deed and Word
- The Word
- The Light of Men
- The True Light
- The Only Begotten of the Father
- The Lamb of God
- The Son of God
- Rabbi
- The King of Israel
- His Only Begotten Son
- The Gift of God
- Messiah
- The Christ, the Saviour of the World
- The True Bread from Heaven
- The Bread of God
- The Bread of Life
- The Living Bread
- The Light of the World
- I AM
- The Door of the Sheep
- The Good Shepherd
- One Shepherd
- The Resurrection
- The Christ, the Son of God
- A Grain of Wheat
- Master
- The Way
- The Truth
- The Life
- The Vine
- The Overcomer
- Our Keeper
- The Sent of the Father
- The Man
- My Lord and My God
- A Man Approved of God
- Thine Holy One
- The Holy One and Just
- The Prince of Life
- The Holy Child Jesus
- A Prince and a Saviour
- The Just One
- Lord Jesus
- Lord of All
- The Judge of the Quick and the Dead
- That Man Whom He Hath Ordained
- Jesus of Nazareth
- Jesus Christ our Lord
- The First-Born Among Many Brethren
- His Own Son
- God Blessed Forever
- Lord Over All
- The Lord
- The Deliverer
- Lord Both of the Dead and the Living
- Minister of the Circumcision
- The Power of God
- The Wisdom of God
- Righteousness
- Sanctification
- Redemption
- The Lord of Glory
- The Foundation
- Our Passover
- The Spiritual Rock
- The Head of Every Man
- The First-Fruits of Them That Sleep
- The Last Adam
- The Lord from Heaven
- A Quickening Spirit
- The Image of God
- The Unspeakable Gift
- Christ
- Head Over All Things
- He That Filleth All in All
- Our Peace
- One Lord
- The Head
- An Offering
- A Sacrifice to God
- A Sweet-Smelling Savour
- A Servant
- The Lord Jesus Christ
- His Dear Son
- The Image of the Invisible God
- The First-Born of Every Creature
- Creator of All Things
- The Head of the Body
- The Beginning
- The First-Born from the Dead
- Hope of Glory
- Christ Our Life
- All and in All
- The Lord Christ
- Lord of Peace
- Our Hope
- Christ Jesus
- The Mediator
- The Man Christ Jesus
- God Manifest in the Flesh
- Blessed and Only Potentate
- The Judge of Quick and Dead
- The Righteous Judge
- The Great God
- God Our Savior
- Heir of All Things
- The Brightness of His Glory
- The Express Image of His Person
- The Upholder of All Things
- The Sin Purger
- God
- The Captain of Our Salvation
- The Seed of Abraham
- The Apostle
- The High Priest
- The Builder
- The Great High Priest
- A Priest Forever
- Author of Eternal Salvation
- The Forerunner
- King of Righteousness
- King of Peace
- The Surety
- Our Intercessor
- Separate from Sinners
- Higher Than the Heavens
- The Minister of the Sanctuary
- Mediator of a Better Covenant
- The Testator
- He That Shall Come
- A Rewarder
- The Finisher of Faith
- The Author of Faith
- Mediator of the New Covenant
- My Helper
- Jesus Christ the Same
- The Great Shepherd of the Sheep
- That Worthy Name
- A Lamb Without Blemish or Spot
- A Chief Corner Stone
- A Living Stone
- An Elect Stone
- A Precious Stone
- A Stone of Stumbling
- A Rock of Offense
- The Bishop of Souls
- The Just
- The Chief Shepherd
- The Day Star
- Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
- The Word of Life
- That Eternal Life
- The Advocate
- Jesus Christ
- The Propitiation
- The Son
- The Saviour of the World
- The True God
- Eternal Life
- The Son of the Father
- Jesus Christ
- The Faithful News
- The First Begotten of the Dead
- The Prince of the Kings of the Earth
- The Alpha and Omega
- The Almighty
- The First and the Last
- He That Liveth
- The Morning Star
- The Hidden Mana
- The Amen
- The Faithful and True Witness
- The Beginning of the Creation of God
- The Lion of the Tribe of Judah
- The Root of David
- Holy and True
- The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne
- The Lamb Slain
- King of Saints
- Lord of Lords
- King of Kings
- Lord God Omnipotent
- Faithful and True
- Word of God
- The Temple
- The Light of the City
- The Offspring of David
- The Bright and Morning Star
- The Testifier