Darian Lockett

Darian Lockett

Dr. Darian Lockett is an Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies.

The overarching goal of a specifically Christian liberal arts education, in a word, is wisdom. It is Dr. Lockett's desire to display godly wisdom in teaching, writing, and service, in order to serve the church of Jesus Christ by equipping individuals for life and ministry. Dr Lockett is particularly interested in the General Letters, hermeneutics, theological interpretation, and political/economic philosophies and Scripture. He is the author of Purity and Worldview in the Epistle of James (forthcoming 2008) and has contributed chapters on James to Cosmology and New Testament Theology and Reading James with New Eyes: Methodological Reassessments of the Letter of James. Dr. Lockett has also contributed to Tyndale Bulletin and has published several reviews in Scottish Journal of Theology, Review of Biblical Literature, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, and Midwestern Journal of Theology. He enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar, reading great literature, and watching college basketball (especially the Kansas Jayhawks!).


  • Ph.D., University of St. Andrews, Scotland
  • M.Div., Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO
  • B.A., University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS


  • Institute for Biblical Research (2007)
  • Tyndale Fellowship (Cambridge) (2005)
  • Evangelical Theological Society (2001)
  • Society of Biblical Literature (2001)
  • The Phi Beta Kappa Society (1998)

Awards and Honors

  • The King's College Full-time Faculty member of the year (20052006)
  • Baker Book House Award (for excellence in the study of theology) (2001)
  • Invited to speak at Senior Chapel (2001)
  • J. Truett Gannon D. M. Scholarship (20002001)
  • Phi Beta Kappa (1998)
  • Phi Alpha Theta (Historical Honors Society) (1998)



  • “Types of Biblical Theology: The Challenge of a Theological Interpretation of Scripture”, co-authored with Edward W. Klink III (in preparation).
  • “Purity and Worldview in the Epistle of James”. The Library of New Testament Studies; London: T & T Clark, forthcoming 2008.

Chapters and contributions

  • “Purity and Polemic: A Reassessment of Jude's Theological World”, in Reading Jude with New Eyes: Methodological Reassessments of the Letter of Jude. Eds. by Robert L. Webb and Peter H. Davids; LNTS; London: T & T Clark, forthcoming.
  • “God and 'the World': Cosmology and Theology in the Letter of James.” Cosmology and New Testament Theology. Eds. Jonathan T. Pennington and Sean M. McDonough; London: T & T Clark, forthcoming May 2008.
  • “'Unstained by the World': Purity and Pollution as an Indicator of Cultural Interaction in the Epistle of James.” Pages 49-74 in Reading James with New Eyes. Eds. Robert L. Webb and John S. Kloppenborg; London: T & T Clark, 2007.
  • Articles on “Pure,” “Impure,” “Holy,” et al. Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words. Ed. William Mounce; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.
  • With Craig A. Evans, “James.” Pages 257-287 in Bible Knowledge Background Commentary: John, Hebrews-Revelation. Ed. Craig A. Evans; Colorado Springs, CO.: Victor, 2005.


  • “Social Identity and the Epistle of James: Are We Correct in Thinking James Writes to a Sectarian Community?” (in preparation).
  • “Structure or Communicative Strategy?: The 'Two Ways' Motif in James' Theological Instruction.” Article submitted to Neotestamentica.
  • “The Spectrum of Wisdom and Eschatology in the Epistle of James and 4QInstruction.” Tyndale Bulletin 56.2 (2005): 131-148.

Source: http://www.biola.edu/academics/undergrad/bibstud/faculty/profile.cfm?n=darian_lockett