Current Clubs
- Anthropology Guild
- Art League
- Assocation of Student Philosophers
- Black Student Association (BSA)
- Biola Accounting Society
- Biola Archery Club
- Biola Asian Student Association (BASA)
- Biola Athletic Ministry (BAM)
- Biola Cartoon/Comic Club
- Biola Cheese Society
- Biola Clarinet Club
- Biola College Democrats
- Biola College Republicans
- Biola Fight Club
- Biola Foreign Affairs Society
- Biola Lacrosse Club http__//www.biolalacrosse.com
- Biola Marines
- Biola Mens Volleyball
- Biola Parkour & Free Running Club
- California Nursing Student Association (CNSA)
- Carpe Diem
- College Football Fellowship
- Crowell School of Business Investment Society (CSBIS) http__//csbis.com/
- Current Debate
- Defending Human Value
- Emyssari Clothing Project
- Event Coordinators and Leaders Club
- Face Down
- Film Music Guild http__//www.filmmusicguild.com/
- Go Fish
- Granola Club
- Guerilla Film Society
- Guild of History Scholars
- Guild of English Scholars
- Hawaii Club
- Health Careers Club
- Ink Slinger
- Jewish Ministries
- Korean Association of Biola
- Magician’s Guild
- Maharlika
- MENC Biola Chapter
- Miracle Baies
- Mu Kappa
- National Student Speech Hearing Association
- New Media as Evangelism
- Open Arms
- Prospectus
- Psi Chi http__//www.psichi.org
- Public Relations Student Society (PRSSA)
- Rockin’ ROTC Club
- Royal Dart Society
- Royal Shakespeare Society
- Scuba Club
- Socially Together & Naturally Diverse (STAND)
- Societas Anime
- Star Wars Club
- Student International Business Association (SIBA)
- Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
- Tenor of Terpischore
- The Sophias (Female Film Society)
- Unidos Club
- XOPOC Dance Troupe
- Zeitgeist