Earl Cochran

Earl Cochran

After graduating from the Bible Institute in 1919, Earl Cochran went about doing his best to serve the Lord with his voice.

The same years as he graduated, he went out with Frank Stanley as his singer. A news paper in Colorado Springs, in the latter part of 1919, told "of the services conducted by them in Emmanuel Presbyterian Church there, of which Rev. H. J. Baldwin, former superintendent of men of the Bible Institute, is pastor."The King's Business, Vol. 10.12, December 1919, pg 1108, [

Two years later, he conducted "the singing for campaigns under the Baptist Association in Washington." In 1921 he wrote The King's Business] that "in February simultaneous campaigns are planned for all the Baptist churches of Tacoma, and the same in seattle during March."The King's Business, Vol. 12.3, March 1921, pg 238 Then, the following month the publication state, "Earl Cochran has taken up four months work with the Western Washington Baptist meetings in Everett, Wash., and proceeds to Shelton, Tacoma and Seattle."The King's Business, Vol. 12.4, April 1921, pg 334
