Explanatory notes to the doctrinal statement

Explanatory notes to the doctrinal statement

Though Biola's Doctrinal Statement has been unchanged since it was first written in 1912, a series of supplemental statements have been added through the years. These are referred to as "explanatory notes," though in some cases they do not explain the statement itself so much as add new considerations not addressed in the statement. The College Catalog for 1981/1982 introduced these new statements by noting that they “express the convictions of the faculty and administration and something of the kind of teaching provided” at Biola. (fn: Biola College Catalog 1981/1982, p. 17)

The Scriptures are to be interpreted literally in their grammatical, historical context. Biola understands God’s plan according to dispensational distinctives including the belief that the return of the Lord for His church will be before the Tribulation.

Although believing that God’s providential acts belong to all ages and not seeking to judge all charismatic manifestation in every age and every land, the college believes and teaches that the “charismatic gifts” (e.g. tongues and healing) had special significance during the revelatory period of the New Testament apostolic era. (same)

In the next year’s catalog, the language had been changed to this;

The Scriptures are to be interpreted according to dispensational distinctives with the conviction that the return of the Lord for His Church will be premillenial, before the Tribulation, and that the millennium is to be the last of the dispensations.

Though there may be many fillings of the Holy Spirit, there is only one baptism which occurs at the time of regeneration. God gives His gifts to His people, in His sovereignty and not on demand. The charismatic manifestations (e.g. tongues and healing) had special significance during the revelatory period of the New Testament apostolic era and are not at all a necessary special work of the Holy Spirit today.


The existence of the creation is not explainable apart from the roles of God as the Sovereign creator and sustainer of the entire natural realm. Concepts such as theistic or threshold evolution do not adequately explain creation.

Confession before men is viewed as a tangible fruit of salvation and not as a qualifying condition for salvation. (Biola University Catalog 1982/83, p. 12)

Biola University Catalog 1987/88
Biola University does not necessarily deny employment to persons merely for lack of firm personal convictions on any teaching position in these explanatory notes. However, Biola University does weigh carefully the understanding and personal convictions of employment applicants on these points as well as the nature of their prospective work assignments, in determining their suitability for employment.”

“The Bible is clear in its teaching on the sanctity of human life. Life begins at conception. We abhor the destruction of innocent life through abortion-on-demand.”