Biola Hotels
Biola Hotels
At one time, it appears that Biola rented out rooms to travelers for as low as a dollar a day. According to an advertisement in The King's Business:
Next Time You are in Los Angeles, Enjoy the sincere Christian hospitality that has distinguished our hotels in the minds of discriminating travelers during nearly two decades of public service. Stay overnight or as long as you wish........
Consider the Advantages:
- First: The buildings are constructed of reinforced concrete. They are absolutely fireproof.
- Second: Hot and cold running water, softened by new equipment, is in every room.
- Third: The location is in the very heart of the great metropolitan district of Los Angeles.
- Fourth: Next door is the superb City Public Library. Its reading facilities are unsurpassed.
- Fifth: Shaded walks and rest retreats in Library Park relax and refresh tired bodies.
- Sixth: There are two separate buildings, one is for men and the other for women.
- Seventh: Pleasant and commodious accommodations for married couples also are provided.
- Eighth: Surprisingly low rates reflect strict adherence to efficient management policies.''
This may reflect a move to bolster income during the financial uncertainty of this period for Biola, by offering inn services using spare bedrooms while maintaining their missional attitude.