Biola community standards

Biola community standards

The Biola Community Standards is known as 'The Contract' to Biola students. Biola has had a contract since its founding years and it has evolved with the times over the years.

History of the Contract

Evolution from 1954-1983


  • Students were not allowed to hang anything in their rooms with sticky tape
  • The morning bell rand at 5:55 a.m. on the school mornings
  • Typewriters could not be used between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
  • Overnight/Weekend trips had to be approved by the deans and could not exceed a 100-mile radius from campus.
  • Students who wanted to go on outings, such as picnics, had to make arrangements with the deans and have approved supervision.


  • Girls were asked to volunteer one hour per week for phone duty.
  • Freshman girls had to ask permission from their house mother to go on dates by 5 p.m. the night before.
  • The use of playing cards was prohibited.
  • Students were bot allowed to watch movies in theaters or have TVs in their dorm rooms.
  • On weekends, underclassman had to be in their dorms by 11:00 p.m. and upperclassmen by midnight.


  • A minimum of six months for courtship before engagement was recommended for students under 21.
  • Students who got engaged during the school year had to register with the Dean of Students Office before the engagement was made public.
  • A marriage application had to be submitted to a faculty committee for approval.
  • If under 21, students needed written parental consent before being approved for engagement by the school.


  • The SUB, library and upper campus services were not available to students during chapel.
  • Tank tops and shorts were not allowed on upper campus; however, knickerbockers (knee-length trousers for men) were allowed.
  • Shorts were only permissible in the cafeteria on Saturdays.

Dancing Policy

The Current Contract

The Standards as stated in The Student Handbook

We at Biola uphold integrity as a core value of our community. Members are expected to demonstrate a
commitment to the value of integrity in word and deed and to take responsibility for their own violations of behavioral guidelines.

We at Biola recognize that scripture condemns sins of the heart, such as covetousness, selfishness,
ambition, envy, greed, lust and pride. By their very nature, these sins are more difficult to discern, but
because they lie at the heart of relationships, they are of central concern to the Biola community. We
confess and repent of these sins as we become aware.

Furthermore, students at Biola commit to refrain from practices that Scripture forbids, such as, sexual
relations outside of marriage, homosexual behavior, theft and dishonesty.

Finally, for the purpose of character development and the creation of a healthy, vibrant Christian
community, students at Biola commit to abstain from the use of tobacco products, the use of alcoholic
beverages, and the activity of gambling.

Biola students have chosen, freely and willingly, to abide by these standards. We regard any violation of
these standards to be a breach of integrity, since each member has voluntarily chosen to associate with the Biola community and to accept, uphold, and live by these standards. The University reserves the right to refuse admittance and/or dismiss any person who does not conform either to the stated guidelines and regulations governing student conduct, or to the expressed principles, policies, and expectations of the University. The University also reserves the right to take action against an individual for violating the Standards regardless of how much time has passed since the violation.


Source: Contract, by Will Anderson. The Point Magazine. Volume 4, #2

Source: Undergraduate Student Handbook and Guide to University Policies, Updated 2/7/09