Louis Meyer Memorial Tribute

Louis Meyer Memorial Tribute

A memorial tribute as published<ref>%3aTX+meyer%3aTX+--01-3-1-00-0-0-11-1-0utfZz-8index.htm-00&a=d&c=jewishmi&srp=0&srn=0&cl=search&d=HASHd311c44cdbdc27856c2da1" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">http://www.lcje.net/cgi-bin/gsdl/library?e=q-01000-00---off-0jewishmi--00-1--0-10-0---0---0prompt-10-TX%2cDC%2cDT%2cDS--4--louis+meyer%2c%2c%2c-----0-1l--11-en-50---20-about-louis+%3aTX+meyer%3aTX+--01-3-1-00-0-0-11-1-0utfZz-8index.htm-00&amp;a=d&amp;c=jewishmi&amp;srp=0&amp;srn=0&amp;cl=search&amp;d=HASHd311c44cdbdc27856c2da1</ref> in the Jewish Era<ref>http://books.google.com/books?id=r3hCgIZB790C&amp;pg=PA25&amp;lpg=PA25&amp;dq=%22jewish+era%22+journal&amp;source=bl&amp;ots=JvVVNQXk35&amp;sig=Oy_8KEG8r96fNl_5TNWdX7Ta_IE&amp;hl=en&amp;ei=300LSouCHKaUtgPT7biDAw&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=book_result&amp;ct=result&amp;resnum=1#PPA25,M1</ref> (the journal of the Chicago Hebrew Mission, inaugurated in 1887) to honor Louis Meyer.

The simple announcement in the last Jewish Era of the homegoing of our distinguished friend and brother has brought much sadness to those who knew his best.

Letters by the scores have been received from friends testifying to their appreciation of his character and the value of his worth. We would like to publish them all, but we give the following:

“Jewish missions have lost a strong advocate, especially on this side of the Atlantic, and we only recognize the loss when he is gone.”—S. B. Rohold.

“We were sorry to hear of his demise and we rejoice we have learned to know and to love him. May the Lord provide you with a man to fill his place, though I fear, as expressed in The Missionary Review, his place cannot be filled.”-Henry Beets.

“I deeply regret Dr. Meyer's death. I never knew a man on so short an acquaintance with whom I was so favorably impressed.”—Milton Stewart.

“Accept warmest sympathy in all that which the home call of dear Dr. Louis Meyer will mean to you and the work.”—S. H. Wilkinson.

“I am greatly grieved at the loss of our friend, Dr. Meyer, and deeply sympathize with his family. His going means a great loss to The Review, as well as to The Fundamentals, the Chicago Hebrew Mission and the world in general.”—Delavan L. Pierson.

“I sympathize with you over the death of Mr. Meyer. Truly one of the Bible defenders has gone `up higher.'”—Mrs. Mary Jenkins.

“His death is certainly a loss to the Mission, and what must it be for his family. May the God of all comfort comfort the dear ones.”—C. Kuyper.

“Dr. Meyer was a great man and his being cut off in the prime of life at a time when he was accomplishing so much, not only for his own people, but for the cause of Christ at large, is one of the mysteries which we cannot understand. For personal reasons I have cause to remember him. . . . Nor can we forget how zealously and faithfully he worked, not only for his own people, but for The Missionary Review and for the Testimony Publishing Company. He probably accomplished more in his comparatively brief life than many men who lived their allotted time.”—Lyman Stewart.

“We deeply regret to record the death of Rev. Louis Meyer, one of the most eminent and successful Jewish mission workers of the present generation. . . . He was a man of high scholarship, devoted piety and great usefulness.”—A. B. Simpson.

“I am very, very, sorry that our friend, Louis Meyer, passed away the 11th of July. He did suffer many months and his life was a life of hard, labor. But he died in the Lord and his works follow him.”—Prof. H. L. Strack.

“Indeed it was grief to learn that Mr. Meyer had gone. His portion is far better, but the wife and children will continue to miss him sadly. . . . But Dr. Meyer himself is in the midst of the `glory that excelleth'.”—Mrs. Paul King.

“What sad news it was that our beloved brother, Dr. Louis Meyer, died. God's will be done. We have to kneel and be still, and more than that, we shall go on and do the work of our Lord till He calls us home, too.”—J. I. Fles.

“The news of the death of our dear Brother Meyer was a great shock to me. It will be difficult for the Hebrew Mission to find a true substitute for him, but I trust the Lord will help you select one who will work with the same energy and zeal.”—E. E. Gruenstein.

“I had learned to love Dr. Meyer, and I fully appreciated the great service he was rendering to the cause of Christ by his self-denying labors.”—Professor Charles P. Erdman, D. D.

“Surely he was a man of God, living and walking with Him, and like Enoch, God took him.”—H. P. Crowell.

“Death is swallowed up in victory. `Of whom the world was not worthy' seems so true of him. His was a hard, brave fight for the truth and he has gone to his reward.”—Mrs. William Borden.

“I know what a grievous loss his death will be not only to relatives, but to the church generally. His ability was such and his knowledge of the subject of missions so great, that he was in constant demand as a speaker and writer.”—Max J. Meyer.

“He has been at a great work in putting forth “The Fundamentals,” dealing with such important matters in these days, when so much unbelief is found. He has been a diligent `laborer in the harvest'.”—Professor D. B. Willson, D. D.

—Jewish Era.
