Matthew Jones is a senior Torrey Honors Institute student at Biola UniversityHe is a Cinema and Media Arts major with an emphasis in Production. In his four years at Biola he has been involved in several departments such as Admissions as a Telecounselor and the BEAT in 2005, AS as the Hope North Senator, the CMA Department as a Production Center Employee, and Academic Advising and Student Retention as a Smart Stop worker
Other than school activities and jobs Matthew has made four films as a Director and Producer as a film major and has worked on several others. Todd Pickett has referred to him as the "film guy" and his films have been in multipul film festivals and have gotten awards.
Matthew's most memorable things at Biola will be the films he has made and the relationships that have grown out of it, Torrey experiences, and his invaluable education and connections he has made during his time at Biola
The Biola history class was of special interest to Matthew because of how involved he has been with the school. Experiencing the present Biola got him very interested in how the school, and the departments he has been involved in came to being.
He plans on entering Hollywood after graduating in December 2009 as a Director, Producer, Writer.