Morgan House
Morgan House
Morgan House is one of two houses in the Torrey Honors Institute, named for G. Campbell Morgan. Its curriculum is organized according to rough chronological order. It is headed by Dr. Paul Spears.
Faculty of Morgan House
- Jaime Whitaker Campbell
- Carlos Delgado
- Joe Henderson
- Matt Jenson
- Robert Llizo
- Donna Thoennes
- Diane Vincent
Groups of Morgan House
- Augustine
- Boethius
- Chesterton
- Dante
- Edwards
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Ignatius
- John Chrysostom
- Lewis
- Milton
- Plato
- Rosetti
- Sayers
- Tolkien
- Vanauken
- Wesley
Unit Load
The Freshman Fall semester of a Morgan House group consists of 8 units of Torrey classes, or 2 sessions a week. The semesters following this one are 12 units (3 sessions a week) until Junior year, when the unit load drops to 4 units a semester for the rest of the program.
Exclusive Texts
Rivalry with Johnson House
Since the two houses were formed, a mild rivalry has continued between the two. However, Morgan House is clearly superior to the Johnson House, because they are the originals and have a head-start Johnson will never match.