Michael Wilkins

Michael Wilkins

Michael J. Wilkins is Distinguish Professor of New Testament and also Dean of the Faculty at Biola. He specializes in New Testament theology, Christology, and discipleship.http://www.biola.edu/faculty/profiles/profile.cfm?n=michael_wilkins

Academic Degrees

  • Post-Doctoral Study, University of California, Los Angeles and University of California, San Diego
  • Ph.D. in New Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary
  • M.Div. in New Testament Language and Literature, Talbot Theological Seminary
  • B.A. in Psychology and Social Science (Magna Cum Laude), Biola Collegehttp://www.biola.edu/faculty/profiles/profile.cfm?n=michael_wilkins


Michael J. Wilkins was born in Glendale, California and was raised in the Southern California area. Upon graduation from high school he spent three years in the U.S. Army, one year of which he was a squad leader in combat in Viet Nam with the 173rd Airborne Infantry Brigade. On December 31, 1970, not long after returning from Viet Nam, he received Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior.

Dr. Wilkins attended Cuesta College, Biola University, Talbot Theological Seminary, and Fuller Theological Seminary.

Dr. Wilkins helped plant an Evangelical Free Church in Carlsbad, California, and was the senior pastor for three years (1977-1980). He was senior pastor of the Cayucos Community Evangelical Free Church in Cayucos, California (1981-1983). He served part-time on the pastoral staff at San Clemente Presbyterian Church as an adult education teacher (1985-2000) and carries on an active speaking ministry in churches, camps, and conferences.

In 1983 Dr. Wilkins accepted an appointment at Talbot School of Theology, Biola
University. He served as Chairperson of the graduate department of New Testament Language and Literature from 1987-2000. In 1988 he was selected by his colleagues to receive the annual Robert B. Fisher Faculty Excellence Award of Biola University. In 1992 he was appointed Dean of the Faculty and Professor of New Testament Language and Literature at Talbot. In 2003 he was awarded Biola University’s Provost’s Award of Excellence in Scholarship and in 2005 the Provost’s Award of Excellence in Mentoring Peers. In 2008, Dr. Wilkins was honored by being promoted to the rank of Distinguished Professor New Testament
Language and Literature, one of only four Distinguished Professors at Biola University.

Professor Wilkins has authored several books and contributions to books. He has written numerous essays for scholarly publications and practical articles for
ministry publications.

Dr. Wilkins married Lynne (Melia) Wilkins in 1971, and they have lived in San
Clemente, California since 1983. They have two daughters, Michelle (married to Dan Lorch and mother to daughters Melia Noël and Ava Shea, and an elementary school teacher for bilingual education) and Wendy (engaged to Jason Benwell, who both are Doctors of Physical Therapy). Family activities (surfing, snow boarding/skiing, camping) are a major source of personal enjoyment.Copied directly from Dr. Wilkin's CV, http://bds.biola.edu/faculty/cvs/michael_wilkins.pdf


  • Institute for Biblical Research
  • Evangelical Theological Society
  • Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical and Theological Research
  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • American Academy of Religionhttp://www.biola.edu/faculty/profiles/profile.cfm?n=michael_wilkins

Awards and Honors

  • Promoted in 2008 to Distinguished Professor of New Testament Language and Literature at Biola University, one of four in the University.
  • “Matthew.” (NIVAC) received a 2005 Silver Medallion Award in the category Reference/Commentaries from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association.
  • Provost recognition for Excellence in Mentoring Peers, 2005.
  • Biola University 2005 Faculty Research Grant, in support of work on “The Confession of Jesus as Messiah” for the IBR Historical Jesus Study Group, and “1 Peter” for the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary series.
  • Award of Excellence in Scholarship, Biola University, 2003.
  • “Matthew” in the Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, which received the 2003 Gold Medallion Award in Reference/Commentaries.
  • Who's Who Among America's Teachers, Honored each year from 1996-2006.
  • Who's Who in Biblical and Archaeological Studies, 1986-present.
  • 2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 20th Century, 2000.
  • International Who's Who in Religion, 1990-present.
  • Dedicatee of Biola University's 1998 Student Yearbook: The Biolan: Elements of Character.
  • “"Jesus Under Fire"” was recognized by Christianity Today as one of the top 25 books of 1995, placing 10th.
  • “"Jesus Under Fire"” received a 1996 Silver Medallion Award in the Theology category from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association.
  • PREACHING magazine (January/February 1996) selected “Jesus Under Fire” as one of the top three books of 1995 for "outstanding merit to preachers."
  • “"Jesus Under Fire"” was a finalist for the Book of the Year Award sponsored by the Conference on Christianity and Literature (1996).
  • Robert B. Fisher Faculty Excellence Award of Biola University, 1988.http://www.biola.edu/faculty/profiles/profile.cfm?n=michael_wilkins



  • “Gospel of Mark. Kerux: An Integrative Commentary for Proclamation-New Testament”. Grand Rapids: Kregel. Projected date of publication: 2015.
  • “Invitation to the New Testament: A Graduate Survey”. Co-authored by Michael J. Wilkins and Alan D. Hultberg. Invitation to Theological Studies series. Grand Rapids: Kregel. Projected date of publication: 2012.
  • “First Peter: An Exegetical Commentary”. Zondervan Exegetical Commentary, New Testament, ed. Clinton E. Arnold. Zondervan. Projected date of publication: 2011.
  • “The Theology of Matthew”. The Biblical Theology of the New Testament series, gen. ed. Andreas J. Köstenberger. Volume One of Nine projected volumes. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. Projected date of publication: 2010.
    Chinese translation of “In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life.” Translated by Doris Hoo. Selangor, Malaysia, 2007.
  • “Matthew.” The NIV Application Commentary, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004.
  • “Matthew.” The Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary, Volume 1: Matthew, Mark, Luke. Clinton E. Arnold, gen. ed., Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002. Pp. 1-203.
  • “In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life.” The Spiritual Formation Line: A New Vision for Christian Discipleship, Dallas Willard gen. ed., Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1977. Korean translation and edition of "In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life." Seoul, Korea: InterVarsity, 2000. French translation and edition of "In His Image: Reflecting Christ in Everyday Life." Translated by Joseph Paulio Mboudi. Yaounde, Cameroon, West Aftrica: Bethany Christian Center, forthcoming.
  • “Discipleship in the Ancient World and in Matthew's Gospel.” 2nd ed., Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995.
  • “Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus.” ed. J.P. Moreland, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.
  • “Jesús Bajo Sospecha: Una Respuesta a los Ataques contra El Jesús Histúrico.” (Spanish translation and edition of "Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus."). ed. J.P. Moreland, Estudios Teológicos, Colección Teolóica Contemporánea, 1995, Barcelona: Editorial Clie, 2003.
  • “Worship, Theology, and Ministry in the Early Church.” Essays in Honor of Ralph P. Martin. Edited Michael J. Wilkins and Terence Paige. JSNT Supplement Series 87, Sheffield: JSOT, 1992.
  • “Following the Master: A Biblical Theology of Discipleship.” Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1992. Korean translation and edition of "Following the Master: A Biblical Theology of Discipleship." Seoul, Korea, 1995.
  • “The Concept of Disciple in Matthew's Gospel: As Reflected in the Use of the Term Mathetes.” Novum Testamentum Supplements, Volume 59, Leiden, The Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1988.http://www.biola.edu/faculty/profiles/profile.cfm?n=michael_wilkins


  • “What Jesus Hated”, Knowing and Doing: Quarterly of the C.S. Lewis Society (Summer 2008) 4-7. Reprint of the article that originally appeared in Moody magazine, January/February 2000, pp. 28-30.
  • “What Jesus Loved”, Knowing and Doing: Quarterly of the C.S. Lewis Society (Spring 2008) 4-7. Reprint of the article that originally appeared in Moody magazine, January/February 2000, pp. 25-30.
  • “The Quest for Spirituality in the Light of Biblical Discipleship,” Knowing and Doing: Quarterly of the C.S. Lewis Society (Winter 2008) 4-7, 24.
  • “Disciple-Making for Changing Times and Changing Churches,” Enrichment 13.1 (Winter 2008) 40-46.
  • Study notes and DVD teaching segments on “The Lord's Prayer,” “Knowing the King: Feeding the Five Thousand/Walking on the Water,” and “The Coming of the Kingdom: The Parables of the Wheat/Weeds, Mustard Seed, Yeast,” for the Bible study series Deeper Connections. Zondervan, 2007.
  • “The Gnostic Gospels Evaluated.” Sundoulos. Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, Fall 2006.
    Study notes and DVD teaching segments for two series: “Doing Life Together” (Zondervan 2003) and “Experiencing Christ Together” (Zondervan 2005).
  • Majority of the Study Notes on the “Gospel of Matthew” for the Faith in Action Study Bible: Living God's Word in a Changing World. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005. In partnership with World Vision. Adapted from “Matthew”, NIVAC.
  • “Unique Followers of a Unique Master: Discipleship in the Gospel According to Mark.” Southern Baptist Journal of Theology 8:3 (Fall 2004) 50-68.
  • “Disciples: Gospels” and “Sinners: Gospels.” Slightly revised for the IVP Dictionary of the New Testament, ed. Daniel G. Reid. Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 2004: 310-316, 1020-1023.
    Selections from In His Image chosen as contributions for "Side by Side: A Handbook on Disciple-Making for a New Century." gen. eds. Steve and Lois Rabey. Colorado Springs: Cook and NavPress, 2001. Pp. 217-219, 237-238.
  • “Women in the Teaching and Ministry of Jesus.” in Women and Men in Ministry A Complementary Perspective, ed. by Robert L. Saucy and Judith K. TenElshof, Chicago: Moody, 2001. Pp. 91-112.
  • “Education of the Twelve.” Evangelical Dictionary of Christian Education, ed. Michael J. Anthony., Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001.
  • “Because God is Generous.” Lead Article for the Theme Issue: "Giving Beyond Your Means: Your Money and Your Life." Moody Magazine, March/April 2001. Pp. 15-17.
  • “Disciple; Discipleship and Mission.” Evangelical Dictionary of World Mission, A. Scott Moreau ed., Grand Rapids: Baker, 2000. Pp. 278-280.
  • “What Jesus Loved.” and "What Jesus Hated." Two articles for the Theme Issue: "If We Love Jesus....: A Life Overflowing in Response to Him." Moody Magazine, January/February 2000. Pp. 25-27, 28-30.
  • “Ralph P. Martin.” in Bible Interpreters of the 20th Century: A Selection of Evangelical Voices, Walter A. Elwell and J.D. Weaver, eds., Grand Rapids: Baker, 1999. Pp. 356-374.
  • “Teaching Them to Obey All Things: A View from the Matthean Account of the Great Commission.” in Teaching Them Obedience in All Things: Equipping for the 21st Century, Edgar J. Elliston, ed., Evangelical Missiological Society Series 7, Pasadena: William Carey Library, 1999. Pp. 32-66.
  • “Why Do You Claim Your Religion is Right and Everyone Else’s is Wrong?” Theme Issue: "Can You Answer...The 10 Tough Questions non-Christians Ask?" Moody Magazine, March/April 1999 Issue.
  • “New Beginnings.” Theme Issue: "New Year." Decision Magazine, January 1999 issue.
  • “What Does God Want From Me?” Theme Issue: "That You May Know Him." Moody Magazine, volume 99, November/December 1998. Pp. 28-30.
  • “Pastoral Theology” "Prayer" "Regeneration" "Teaching/Paraenesis" "Milk/Solid Food" Dictionary of the Later New Testament and Its Developments, Ralph P. Martin and Peter Davids, eds., Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1997.
  • “The Quest for Spirituality in the Light of Biblical Discipleship.” Sundoulos, Fall, 1997.
  • “Darkness” "Light" "Disciple, Discipleship" Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Edited by Walter A. Elwell, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996.
  • “Scribes” "Disciples, Discipleship, Mentoring." The Everyday Study Bible, Dallas: Word, 1996.
  • “Thinking Rightly about Jesus.” Sundoulos, Fall/Winter, 1995. Pp. 2-5, 11.
  • “Introduction” & "Conclusion" in Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents the Historical Jesus, Michael J. Wilkins and J.P. Moreland, eds., Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.
  • “Surfer Discipleship.” Vista: Holiness Digest, June 26, 1994. P. 8.
  • “A Mission Bigger Than Ourselves.” Sundoulos, Summer, 1994. Pp. 6-8, 12.
  • “No 'Other' Disciples.” Vista: Holiness Digest, June 12, 1994. P. 8.
  • “Balance as a Key to Discipleship.” Ratio: Essays in Christian Thought 1:1, Spring 1993. Pp. 45-64.
  • “The Interplay of Ministry, Martyrdom and Discipleship in Ignatius of Antioch.” in Worship, Theology, and Ministry in the Early Church, Essays in Honor of Ralph P. Martin, Edited by Michael J. Wilkins and Terence Paige, JSNT Supplement Series 87, Sheffield: JSOT, 1992.
  • “Christian” "Belief/Believer" "Imitate/Imitator" "Brother/ Brotherhood" "Barabbas" "Bartholomew" Anchor Bible Dictionary, ed. David Noel Freedman., 6 vols. Garden City: Doubleday, 1992.
  • “Discipleship” "Disciples" "Sinner" Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, ed. Joel B. Green and Scot McKnight, consulting ed. I. Howard Marshall, Downers Grove: InterVarsity, 1992.
  • “Discipleship in Changing Times.” Special edition: "Ministry in Changing Times." guest editor, Gary L. McIntosh. Sundoulos, Summer 1992. P. 3.
  • “Named and Unnamed Disciples in Matthew: A Literary-Theological Study.” SBLSP 30, Eugene H. Lovering, Jr., ed., Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1991. Pp. 418-439.
  • “Surfers and Other Disciples.” Discipleship Journal, 62, vol. 11, 2 March/April 1991. Pp. 8-14.
  • “Los Angeles Herald Examiner.” I was a contributing author for the religion section of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner until they ceased publication in 1989.
  • “Radical Discipleship.” Sundoulos, Fall, 1988.
  • “The Mythical 'Biola Bubble'.” Shout, May, 1988.
  • “Contentment: Balancing The Perfect and the Imperfect.” Connections, Winter, 1988.
  • “How to Chose A Church Home.” La Mirada: Biola Hour Ministries, 1987. (Revision and reprint of the article from Discipleship Journal).
  • “How to Find A Church Home.” Discipleship Journal, 35, 1986. Pp. 26-29.http://www.biola.edu/faculty/profiles/profile.cfm?n=michael_wilkins

Research Interests

  • The Historical Jesus
  • Exegesis of the New Testament
  • Biblical Theology
  • Biblical Discipleship and Spiritual Formation
  • Historical and Cultural Setting of Palestine and the Gospels
  • Integration of Biblical studies and Theology with Academic Disciplines in a University Faculty Worldviewhttp://www.biola.edu/faculty/profiles/profile.cfm?n=michael_wilkins
