Oil Field Evangelistic Department Article

Oil Field Evangelistic Department Article

California's leading industry is found in the abundance of its oil producing wells. Throughout the State the stately derricks are a sign of industry and a signal for service to those who desire to reach the neglected classes. To the men in these fields we have been permitted to minister through our evangelists and although the work has been arduous, calling for much of self-sacrifice and deprivation, the fruitage has been rich. The first year opened the way for a larger service during this year. The prejudice of some who suspect the sincerity of man _sic_ on such a mission, was dissipated by the second trip and they have been accorded a generous reception. Men have confessed Christ and have commenced to testify. Testaments, Gospels and tracts have been widely distributed and many of the men have subscribed for the King's Business with a view of continuing Bible study.