Poetry by Biolans

Poetry by Biolans

Give Me a Heart Like Thine\! by T.C. Horton, co-founder.

"An Hundred Fold" by Mrs. J.I. McClelland, in 1917.

"Consider Him" by H.G. Rempel and G.H. Jantzen, Class of 1927.

"In Him We Live" by classmates Margaret Ruth Clark and Magdalena M. van Teylingen, Class of 1928.

"Set for the Defense of the Gospel" by Annabel Lee Crumly, Class of 1938.

"Biola Men" by the Kraft twins, Class of 1938.

"Stewards of God's Grace" by Marjorie Davis, Class of 1939.

"In Christ's Stead" by Melvin Friesen, Class of 1939.

"Intrusted with the Gospel" (sic) by William Heath, Class of 1941.

"Victory Hymn" by Florence Eisele, Class of 1942.