Reuben Archer Torrey___the Man... His Message

Reuben Archer Torrey: the Man... His Message is a book by Robert Harkness published in 1929 (Chicago: The Bible Institute Colportage Association) 127pp


"He taught in the way that was best suited to the needs of the student body. He regarded a Bible institute as a school for preparation for a life of soul-winning service. To lay a solid foundation on which to build a great structure for the dissemination of Bible truth was his ever present objective in his Bible institute program. All his instruction led in the direction of a permanent testimony to the regenerating power of the Word of God." 48

"In nearly every city great curiosity was aroused in the minds of certain inquisitive people as to the church affiliation of the evangelist. In one instance some one sent a question tot he platform. 'I have an inquiry,' said the preacher as he rose to deliver his sermon. There was a twinkle in his eye as he read: 'Will you be good enough to tell us what church you belong to?' Without a moment's hesitation he replied, 'I am an Episcopaleopresbygationalaptist.' The audience gasped, then broke into applause." 67-8.