Report from the Jewish Department in 1938

Report from the Jewish Department in 1938

"To assist in discharging our Christian obligation to the Hebrews, a department of Jewish evangelism has been continuously maintained by the Bible Institute, since its earliest inception.

"Two distinct branches of work are regularly maintained, the one of an educational order, consisting of a Jewish Missionary Training Course, and the other of various phases of Jewish Evangelistic Work.

"The Jewish public is contacted with the Gospel message through many varied channels including Radio Broadcasts, Open Air Meetings, Postal Evangelism, Hebrew-Christian Clubs, 'Watchmen upon the walls' Clubs, Seaside Jewish Evangelism, Bible Classes, Open Forums, Visitation Work, Gospel and Tract Distribution, and Benevolent and Relief Work."The Biolan 1938, p 62

In 1938, the Jewish Department employed six full-time staff and 10 part-time volunteers, under the leadership of Director J.A. Vaus. Staff included the Rev. and Mrs. James A. Vaus, Charlotte Rasmussen, Norma Dillingham, Peral Piatt and Anna May Sauer. The volunteers included Mr. and Mrs. Ben Candee, Mrs. Ethel Rowe, Mrs. Roine Craig, Mrs. Maurice Karp, Mrs. A.G. Wells, Mrs. C.W. Deisenroth, Stella Thomas, Pauline Thomson and Lillian Hinote.
