Record of Christian Work

Record of Christian Work

The Record of Christian Work was a magazine published from 1881-1933 which gave accounts of church work, evangelism, missions, and revivals internationally. It was associated with the work of Dwight L. Moody. It was edited by A. McConnell from 1881-1897, by W. R. Moody from 1897-1929, and by A. P. Fitt from 1929-1933. Its editors were always fans of the work of Reuben Archer Torrey.

Biola and Biolans in the Record of Christian Work

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is featured in the March 1913 issue (Vol. XXXII, No. 3, pp. 157-160)features a 4-page story by Mary M. Parker on the Institute's expansion. "The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is greatly enlarging its plans and equipment. For several months work has been going on upon a structure costing in the neighborhood of $750,000. This is located in the heart of the city..." There is some architectural description, and then a crisp, insightful account of the work done by the various departments: the Bible Women, the Lyceum Club, the Spanish mission, and the Fishermen's Club, "which really formed the nucleus of the Bible Institute." "Among the Jews also a missionary is at work --a converted Jewess who is most successful in getting hold of her people." Finally, the author prints the entire Biola Doctrinal Statement, prefaced by these remarks: "It is interesting to know that in this day in which positive creeds are so contemptuously spoken of in many quarters, the Bible Institute has a very definite, explicit and full doctrinal statement as a basis of its operations."