Report on the Jewish Department in 1940

Report on the Jewish Department in 1940

This is the first report to reflect Zionism in the text of the yearbook. Interesting that this preempted World War II by a year.

(Ellipses appear in original text for stylistic purposes.)

"The Jewish race...nineteen centuries of wandering aimlessly, buffeted by storms of racial and religious intolerance...a people without a land, without national unity, without a national leader...still, they walk as singularly different people through the ruins of civilizations which have been their oppressors...reminding us that they are still the Children of Israel, God's chosen people...reminding us of the great covenant...'of thee a great nation...I will bless thee...I will bless them that bless thee...I will curse him that curseth thee.'

"The Jewish Department is directed by Daniel Rose and Dr. Jacob Hyman in the Church of the Open Door...to the end that the people of Israel might see God's purpose in the ages...that they might cry as did those men of old: 'Men and brethren, what shall we do?'...that they might return to the land God gave Abraham for an inheritance...that they recognize Jesus as the Christ...that the age be consummated with a ruling Messiah, with His people in their land, under the six-pointed star of the flag of David."<ref>The Biolan, 1940, p 73</ref>
