Report on Jewish Work in 1939

Report on Jewish Work in 1939

"The new Jewish Department of the Church of the Open Door was born of prayer and dedicated to witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah, 'to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.'

"The work is in charge of Co-Directors Daniel Rose and Jacob Hyman. Mr Rose, who is a business man with many outside interests, is Superintendent and devotes much of his time to the details of the work, while Dr. Hyman, who is an ordained Baptist minister and a practicing physician, brings the message at the Friday evening and Sunday afternoon meetings. There are no paid workers except a student who receives a small wage for part-time secretarial work in the office of the department.

"All meetings have been well attended since the first, there being sometimes as many as three hundred present. An unusually large attendance of Jews shows great interest in the Messianic witness, and many Gentile-Christians as well as Hebrew-Christians attend. At every meeting earnest Hebrew-Christian testimonies are heard, witnessing to the saving grace and keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ, Israel's Messiah, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Virgin-Born, Immanuel.

"In the first six months of the work of the Jewish Department, as the fruit of earnest personal work and the preaching of the Word in the power of the Holy Spirit, there were eighteen public decisions for Christ on the part of Jewish men and women.

"Mr. Rose interviews inquirers who come to his office, while tracts, financial aid, and frequently articles of clothing, are distributed to the needy among Israel as the Lord makes this work possible.

"There are one hundred thousand Israelites in Los Angeles and vicinity. Pray that the Lord may send workers and means and His blessing on this witness for Christ, Israel's Messiah, and that many of His brethren-according to the flesh-may be led to recognize Him as the Annointed One, Immanuel, God with us."