Sixth and Hope

Sixth and Hope

By June of 1910, the Institute was outgrowing it's current quarters, and needed a bigger building. The King's Business requests prayer for getting a permanent place of their own. The Instiute Item states, "God's favor has been manifested in the work He has given us to do in the Institute. In every departement His blessing abides. We have outgrown our present quarters and need a permanent home of our own. We want our friends to unite with us in prayer to the Lord that He may graciously give us the desire of our hearts. The time is short; the need is great--we must do quickly what we hope to do for the present generation. Will you not pray earnestly and definitely for this object?"The King's Business, Vol. 1.6, June 1910, pg 97 This page is not in the online version of The King's Business, hence I have given the full text of the Item here for the reference of anyone working on this page. This prayer was eventually answered by the building that stood at the corner of Sixth and Hope streets in Los Angeles.
