Lab Software You Can Download
Lab Software You Can Download
- 7-Zip
- Acrobat Reader
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Anaconda
- Audacity
- Chrome Remote Desktop
- Cisco AnyConnect (VPN) - Mac*
- Cisco AnyConnect (VPN) - PC*
- Citrix Workspace
- Eclipse
- FileZilla
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Google Earth
- GraphViz
- InkScape
- Java SE
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Power BI
- Notepad++
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Silverlight
- Slack
- Vim
- Visual Studio Express 2013
- VMWare Player
- WAMP Server and MySQL Workbench
- WebEx Meeting
- Weka
- WinSCP
* Staff/Faculty should automatically have access to use Cisco AnyConnect. Students must have a Staff/Faculty request it on their behalf using the VPN Access Request Form.