IT Asset Management Policy - Hardware

IT Asset Management Policy - Hardware


This policy governs the management and lifecycle of Information Technology assets (“IT Assets”) owned by Biola University. Every school, department, or unit must adhere to the guidelines stated in this policy to acquire, record, manage, and dispose of University IT Assets.

While the University may assign an IT Asset to a faculty, staff member or public area for academic or administrative use, the IT Asset remains the property of the University throughout its lifecycle, from initial acquisition and provisioning to the end of its useful life. 

Policy Statement

The University has established policies and procedures that detail the standards for lifecycle management of University IT Assets. Responsibility for proper care of the IT Assets is shared between the faculty or staff member to which it has been assigned, the department, the University technical support partners, and the Information Technology department.

The main goals of the IT Asset Management Policy are to:

1) Serve as effective stewards of the University’s IT equipment by tracking and managing the IT Assets

2) Maintain an accurate IT Asset inventory to optimize usage and workplace productivity

3) Standardize supported models and configurations to offer efficiency gains through simplified technical support and maintenance requirements; and 4) reduce waste and ensure that IT Assets are encrypted and properly wiped of University data prior to reallocation and disposal. 


Client: A name that uniquely identifies an individual on the University computer system.

Department Owned IT Asset: A Biola owned asset that is supported by IT but fully owned by the department. 

End-User Devices: Hardware used directly by staff or faculty in their day-to-day work. This includes but is not limited to computers, tablets, smart phones, and headphones. 

Group Workstation: A desktop or laptop computer and the associated peripherals issued to faculty and staff members to perform certain job functions at the University

IT Asset: Any Biola owned hardware that can connect to Biola’s network, can store data, or hardware that contributes to the delivery of an IT product or service.

Non-Standard IT Asset: A special component or device or equipment that is neither purchased nor supported by IT (i.e audio visual equipment for event services).

Peripherals: Computer components such as keyboards, mice, webcams, cables or adapters that are not individually tracked. Peripherals that cost more than $200 are subject to IT assessment and a determination will be made if asset tracking is necessary.

Primary Workstation: A workstation assigned and used by a specific University faculty or staff member as their main computer, and not shared with others.

Refresh Lifecycle Fund: University-provided central funding used to replace a single workstation for all full-time faculty and staff every five years. No charges are incurred by the department for the lifecycle replacement, if it is a standard workstation configuration that serves as a primary workstation.

Standard IT Assets: Assets that are subject to inventory tagging and management: all desktop, laptops, tablets, smart phones, digital signage players, TV's, printers, scanners, copiers, and servers.


Standard IT Assets:

IT offers new, used and lifecycle replacement (Refresh) computers and necessary peripherals to full-time staff and faculty to perform their jobs at the University, based on the Refresh Lifecycle Fund guidelines.

  1. Primary workstations are included in the Refresh Lifecycle Fund.
  2. Multiple workstations are not included in the Refresh Lifecycle Fund because they are not permitted for the same individual, without proper justification and approval by the department head and/or budget manager. When approved, other funding sources must be used to obtain and procure additional workstations.

IT implements standard workstation configurations to provide the best possible support for its customers, while also being fiscally responsible. Standard IT Asset purchases and Refresh Lifecycle Fund requests should be submitted via an email to ithelpdesk@biola.edu which will then create a service ticket where you will be given further instruction. 

Non-Standard IT Assets:

Purchase requests for non-standard IT Assets can be requested by filling out the IT Hardware Purchase Form and selecting "Other" where you can provide the details to your request. It is important to note that non-standard IT Assets or those funded by grant, start-up, or departmental funds without coordination from IT will not be eligible for the Refresh Lifecycle Fund and will be subject to the following support limitations:

  1. Limited hardware repairs will be performed for non-standard IT Assets, as staff are certified and trained to only repair and configure Dell and Apple models.
  2. Non-standard IT Assets may not be compatible with the University IT Asset infrastructure.

Therefore, it is Biola's policy for all staff, faculty, and departments to consult with IT prior to making a non-standard IT Asset purchase.

Used IT Assets

The University promotes sustainability and reduces costs by reusing IT Assets, when appropriate. Used IT Assets may or may not be replaced with new IT Assets at time of refresh or replacement due to malfunctioning. Used IT Assets may be requested from the Service Desk for the use of temporary loaner workstations for full-time faculty or staff that have been assigned their own workstation that is currently:

  1. Undergoing inspection/repairs
  2. Misplaced, lost, or stolen

All used IT Assets are required to be refreshed every five to seven years for security and support purposes. 

Refresh Lifecycle Eligibility

Eligible desktop and laptop workstations will be replaced through the centralized Refresh Lifecycle Fund for full-time faculty and staff members, provided that the following criteria are met:

  1. The current date must be on or after the workstation’s replacement eligibility date.
  2. The workstation must be currently listed in the IT Asset inventory and assigned as the primary workstation for a full-time University faculty or staff member.
  3. The new workstation must conform to a like-kind standard configuration (for example, an old Dell desktop may be replaced with a new Dell desktop, or an old Apple laptop may be replaced with a new Apple laptop, etc.). Customized workstation replacement requests or changes from one type of workstation to another type require justification and budget approval because the department will be charged for the difference in cost.

Refresh Lifecycle Ineligibility

Certain desktop and laptop workstations are not eligible for replacement through the centralized Refresh Lifecycle Fund:

  1. Non-standard IT Assets purchased through the Procurement & Contracts Department, without coordination from IT
  2. All research workstations purchased solely with grant or start-up funds
  3. Workstations issued loaner equipment
  4. Secondary workstations assigned to a client that are not labeled as the primary workstation. These are typically workstations that are owned by a department and are assigned to an individual staff or faculty member. 
Workstation Replacement ScenarioWho PaysEligible for Refresh
An eligible lifecycle replacement for a primary use, standard workstation assigned to a full-time faculty or staff member Refresh Lifecycle FundYes
Newly created full-time staff and faculty positions will be issued a single workstationRefresh Lifecycle FundYes
New departmental, University-approved computer labsDepartmental fundsNo
New IT Managed, University-approved computer labsLab Refresh Lifecycle FundYes
New standard workstations acquired for faculty research purposesStart-up or grant fundsNo
Non-standard IT Assets Start-up, grant, or departmental fundsNo
IT Assets acquired without coordination from ITStart-up, grant, or departmental fundsNo

Charges will be incurred by the department associated with Refresh Lifecycle Fund in the following circumstances:

  1. Upgrades to standard configurations, such as additional memory, a larger hard drive, enhanced processor.
  2. Additional peripherals requested that are not deemed necessary for basic work functionality.

Asset Transfer & Off-boarding

On or before their last day of employment, departing faculty and staff members must return all University-owned IT assets to the Service Desk at Tech Commons. Supervisors or a designee is responsible for ensuring that all University-owned IT assets are collected from the departing faculty or staff member and returned to IT for reallocation. (See the HR separation checklist for guidance.)

If University-owned IT assets are not returned prior to the last day of employment of the faculty or staff member, the faculty or staff member must either physically return or ship the IT Asset back to the IT department as soon as possible. Failure to return an IT Asset shall be deemed a conversion of University property. The University may charge the department or the faculty or staff member for the replacement cost of the IT Asset. The University may also commence legal proceedings against the faculty or staff member to recover the property.

When faculty or staff members transfer between University departments, all upgraded IT Assets must remain with the original department and email ithelpdesk@biola.com to schedule a time to perform the necessary services to restore the workstation back to Biola's standard configurations. 

Workstation Configuration

All standard and non-standard workstations must be configured to comply with the Information Technology Security Policies. Workstation configurations must be performed by IT and are only permissible on Dell computers due to remain compliant with our Security Policies.

Asset Tracking

The University’s IT Assets are managed and tracked within a centralized inventory database, employing the following principles:

  1. All IT Assets must have a University IT Asset number assigned and mapped to the device’s serial number.
  2. Prior to deployment, IT staff shall enter the assigned IT Asset number into the IT Asset tracking database.
  3. An IT Asset label is to be attached to the device that corresponds to the IT Asset number assigned in the tracking system.
  4. Each IT Asset record shall include purchase and device information including:
    • Make & Model
    • Asset Type & Subtype
    • Serial number
    • IT Asset number
    • Warranty information
    • If Primary Workstation
    • Physical Location
    • Department
    • Assigned to
    • Date assigned
    • Purchase Price
    • Date of purchase
  5. All IT Assets maintained in the IT Asset tracking database inventory shall be located in the approved locations:
    1. IT Ops Cabinet or Datacenter (East Lower Metzger)
    2. Tech Commons (Library)
  6. The assigned faculty or staff member must immediately notify University Police of any lost or stolen University IT Assets.
  7. All University faculty and staff members may review their assigned IT Assets by accessing the My Assets page via the Client Portal, clicking your profile on the top right and selecting 'My Profile'. Scroll all the way down to view all assets assigned to you. (This feature is currently not available but expected to be available in the summer of 2023). 
  8. Inventory corrections, such as missing IT Assets, reassigned IT Assets, or changes to the IT Asset’s purpose or usage, should be reported to the IT Service Desk at ithelpdesk@biola.edu. (This process will be revised in the summer of 2023)


Standard IT Assets (This process will be revised in the summer of 2023)

  1. Commonly purchased hardware (excluding printer/copiers) that requires asset tracking and tagging as well as special request hardware can be requested by filling out an IT Hardware Purchase Form
  2. For an approved list of printers to purchase and have serviced and supplied by our third party vendor, please fill out the Printer Order Form.
  3. For Department Lab Refreshes please contact itoperations@biola.edu


  1. Staff and faculty are able to purchase IT recommended peripherals through their own department. All staff and faculty members can view the IT Approved Peripherals for Department Purchase with links to purchase these commonly bought items on Amazon. This list is updated monthly by IT and any item on this list that a department wants to purchase will have IT's approval. Any questions regarding these approved peripherals or compatibility concerns can be sent to ithelpdesk@biola.edu. Peripherals that cost more than $200 are subject to IT assessment and a determination will be made if asset tracking is necessary.

Lost, Stolen or Damaged IT Assets

The University does not insure IT Assets for replacement if the IT Asset is lost, stolen, or damaged. If a University IT Asset is lost, stolen or damaged, it is critical that it be reported to ithelpdesk@biola.edu. If the IT Asset was lost or stolen you will also need to fill out a Risk Management Incident Report. A replacement IT Asset will be assigned upon request; however, the assigned faculty or staff member’s department will be charged for the full cost of the replacement. 

At Risk Assets

All Biola owned assets that can connect to Biola’s network or can store data can be seized by IT without reimbursement if the asset is deemed a security risk. This includes assets that have been funded by start-ups, grants, departments, the Lab Refresh Lifecycle Fund, or the Refresh Lifecycle Fund. 

Asset Return, Recycling, & Disposal

  1. Replaced or surplus IT Assets must be returned to IT for reallocation or green recycling. In order to return an IT Asset, you can contact ithelpdesk@biola.edu for instruction or bring the asset to the Service Desk at Tech Commons in the Library during business hours. (This process will be revised in the summer of 2023)
  2. At the end of the useful life, all IT Assets and peripherals are recycled through the University’s contracted disposal vendor.
  3. When disposing of any IT Asset, sensitive data must be removed prior to disposal. IT shall determine the type of data destruction protocol that should be used for erasure. Minimally, data shall be removed using low level formatting. For media storing confidential or personally identifiable information (PII) that is not being repurposed, such media shall be physically destroyed prior to disposal. The University’s contracted disposal vendor assumes all responsibility for properly erasing any information contained within hard drives that cannot be erased by IT. Procedures governing data security are adhered to for the secure disposal of IT Assets and peripherals prior to recycling or disposal. 

Donation / Buyback

The University does not allow University IT Assets to be purchased by faculty, staff, or students. Neither faculty nor staff members may donate any IT Assets to outside organizations because such donation could impact the University’s tax status, affect software licensing restrictions, and potentially risk data privacy. 


Any University faculty or staff member found in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Effective Date and Revisions

This policy is effective on February 1, 2023. This policy was reviewed or revised on March 17, 2023

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