Mark Lev

Mark Lev

Mark Lev, "the converted Jew," taught special classes at Biola. The King's Business January 1910 reported that "he expects to remain in the city for several weeks, ministering to the Jews and Gentiles the Word of God."


In February of 1910, The King's Business noted, "Impetus has been given to our Jewish work through the ministry of our brother, Mark Lev, whose presence in the city has proven a great blessing. A meting of Jews was held, last month, in our auditorium, attended by nearly forty --a goodly number. The friends of Israel were also present. After a brief service of song, Mr. Lev made a most interesting address, speaking in English, Yiddish, German and Russian. A social time followed, when light refreshments were served. Many hearts were deeply moved. Mrs. Manson, our Jewish leader, is greatly encouraged in her work."


Mr. Lev spoke at a Pre-Millenial Conference organized by Biola in Santa Ana in June 1910.

In March 1911, he presented to the Institute "an interesting interpretation of the Feast of the Passover on Good Friday. The Passover table with the paraphernalia was spread, and explained with such light as only an intelligent Jew could illumine." http://www2.biola.edu/kingsbusiness/view/2/5/20