

Biola IT provides computers for use by Biola Staff, Faculty and Student employees. IT provides computers to benefitted employees and can lease computers to departments for use by non-benefitted or student employees.

The provided computer can vary between desktop, laptop, PC or Mac depending on the nature of the employee's work.

Need Help?

Please contact Biola Tech Support. For contact information, methods, and hours please visit our Biola IT Technical Support page.


How to Get a Computer:


  • Biola does not give computers to Biola students for general use at this time. However, if you do not have access to a computer for course-related work please let us know by submitting a Student Basic Needs Assessment form and IT will arrange to get you a computer.
  • Biola also offers access to physical or virtual labs for use by students.


  • Biola provides a computer to each benefitted Staff and Faculty upon their hire. Once Biola's HR department notifies IT of the new employee hire, IT will reach out to the employee's supervisor to determine what type of computer should be given. These computers are replaced for employees by Biola's Employee Computer Replacement Program. If you have any questions or concerns about these services, please contact Biola Tech Support.
  • Departments can request a subscription computer for part-time, adjunct, and student employees. Please visit our Computer Subscription Program page for more information.
Computer Support Resources: