Employee Computer Replacement Program

Employee Computer Replacement Program


The Employee Computer Replacement Program allows IT to provide up-to-date computers for Biola University employees.

Each employee's computer is replaced every 5 or 6 years, depending on the computer model. Replacements happen annually, usually during the summer months.

This page explains the following:

  • Who qualifies for a centrally funded computer?
  • Goals of the program

To see details about the current computer models, see Employee Computer Models.

To see what applications are installed on employee computers, see Standard Biola-Computer Software Package.

Qualified Placements and Exceptions

Who gets a computer?

The Program funds computers for full-time benefited employees.

Computers required for part-time staff, adjunct faculty, lab workstations, department servers, and student worker computing, are funded by the departments. A new or used computer can be purchased or leased by departments from the Program.


Qualified employees will receive from the Program a desktop computer.

Desktop computers have a life-cycle of 3 to 4 years, depending on model and computing need.

Monitors have a life cycle of 4 years.


Qualified employees can receive a laptop computer if their duties and responsibilities justify the placement.

Typical laptop placements are for

  • teaching faculty
  • staff who regularly travel on behalf of Biola, and
  • management staff who routinely work from home, off-campus, or on weekends.

When requesting a laptop placement, please send information about the employee’s duties and responsibilities that would explain why a laptop placement would better serve the employee than a desktop placement.


The Program places Konica Minolta multi-function printers (MFPs). The printer model is selected to meet the majority of workgroup printing needs.

See Print & Copy. for more information.

Program Goals

The Program's goals include the following:

  • Ensure that each faculty and staff member has access to a computer of sufficient capability to support basic computing needs in fulfillment of their work responsibilities.
  • Maintain a centralized budget to provide relief to departmental budgets and reduce reliance on year-end surplus and current fund contingency.
  • Implement minimum standards for computing resources. Benefits of standardization include:
    • Increased supportability of the majority of computing equipment
    • Streamlining the specification, acquisition, and deployment of new equipment, and redeployment or disposal of old equipment

Need more power for your job requirements?
If the Program's standard model does not meet your job's computing needs, please contact it.coordinator@biola.edu to ask about upgrades.