Computer Subscription Program

Computer Subscription Program

IT is offering a computer subscription program to provide computers to part time employees, student workers, adjunct faculty, and volunteers. The subscription program ensures that all Biola computers are well maintained and software and security patches are kept up to date. To request a subscription computer, please fill out our request form.

How to Get the Service

Employees are welcome to fill out our Computer Subscription Request form.

Program Details
  • The subscription term is flexible and designed to provide a computer for one trimester, a year, or multiple years. 
  • Departments are charged each trimester for the subscription computers they continue to use.
  • Support and licensing are included in the subscription term cost. 
  • If the computer malfunctions during the term, it will be replaced at no cost (Physical damage caused by misuse is not included). 
  • Subscription computers are replaced at the end of their life-cycle (typically seven years).
Subscription Options
  • Standard Apple or Windows Laptop, iMac or Windows Desktop.
  • $140 trimester fee per subscription.
  • Departments are auto-billed every trimester. The subscription will continue to auto-renew until the computer is returned to Tech Commons in the library.
  • It is the responsibility of the authorized approver to provide an end date and/or have the subscription computer returned for the billings to end.
Can my department buy a cheap, used computer from IT?

IT doesn’t have many viable, used computers available. In the last two years, Biola increased the life cycle of laptops to five years and the life cycle of desktops to six years. This means that when we decommission faculty and staff computers, they will be near the end of their useful life and not ideal for redeployment.

Can my department buy our own new computer?

We no longer allow departments to purchase their own computers for security reasons.