Supervisor Access to Employee Data

Supervisor Access to Employee Data


IT has developed several of solutions that enable supervisors to gain access to local files stored on an employee’s computer or to an employee’s Google Apps account.

These solutions can be set up in advance, for example when you know an employee is going to be absent, or in the case of unanticipated absence.

Access to Local Files on an Employee’s Computer

By request, IT can set up the employee’s computer so that a supervisor can sign in with their own user name and password and gain access to the local files on the employee’s computer.

We can have it set up in 15 minutes. We will need access to the employee’s computer.

Contact IT Helpdesk to schedule an appointment.

Access to an Employee’s Google G-Suite Account

Applicable Scenarios:
  • The employee is on vacation or is out sick and the supervisor or another designated employee would like to monitor their account.
  • The supervisor wants to delegate email rights to an Administrative Assistant.
Google G-Suite Delegation

Google G-Suite has a feature that enables you to grant access to another user to manage your emails, but not permission to change your account password or settings, or to chat on your behalf. Setting this up will enable the delegated user to read and send email on your behalf.

Messages sent from this account will have the delegated name listed in addition to your name, so the sender shows as: "Your Name (sent by Delegate)".

The supervisor can work with their employees to set this up using these instructions. Contact the IT Helpdesk if you need help.

By request from a supervisor, the IT Helpdesk can set up Google G-Suite delegation on behalf of the employee.