Overview of Employee Directory Profile Fields

Overview of Employee Directory Profile Fields


When editing your profile in the Biola Directory, you will have many customizable fields available.

This page explains what each employee profile field is for, whether or not it is editable, and who can see it.

Field Descriptions


First Name

This field is not user-editable. It is managed in Banner and should be your legal first name.This field is only displayed if you do not have a preferred name.

Preferred Name

This field is not user-editable. It is managed in Banner. To add or change your preferred name contact Human Resources if you are an employee, or Registrar if you are a student.Public if you have a public bio or are listed as a member on an Offices and Services or Groups page. Otherwise, this field is visible to any logged-in user.

Last Name

This field is not user-editable. It is managed in Banner. To change this field contact Human Resources if you are an employee, or Registrar if you are a student.Public if you have a public bio or are listed as a member on an Offices and Services or Groups page. Otherwise, this field is visible to any logged-in user.

Previous Last Name (Editable)

This field is useful if you have recently changed your name. Add your previous last name to this field to make it easier for others to find you. Remove your previous last name from this field when you no longer want to be found by that name.This field is not displayed. It is for search purposes only.


This field is managed in Banner and is not user-editable. If you would like to change your department name, please contact the EMC department through their web request form.Public if you have a public bio or are listed as a member on an Offices and Services or Groups page. Otherwise, this field is visible to any logged-in user.

Banner Title

This field is managed in Banner and is not user-editable. Use the Job Title field to provide a more user-friendly title.This field is not displayed if you fill in the Job Title field. Otherwise, it is always displayed.

Direct Extension

This is your Biola assigned phone extension. This field is managed in the Biola phone system and in Banner and is not user-editable.This field is only visible to employees.

Biola Email

This is your Biola-assigned email address and is controlled by the email system. To change your Biola email address contact the IT Helpdesk using one of the methods listed in the sidebar to the left.This field is visible to any logged-in users.

Job Title (Editable)

This field overrides the Banner Title field. Use this field to display a user-friendly version of your title.

Banner TitleExample Job Title
DEAN, SPIRITUAL DEVDean, Spiritual Development 
Dean of Spiritual Development
COACH, ASST BBALL WOMENSAssistant Coach of Women's Basketball 
Women's Basketball Assistant Coach
ASSOC DIR, UNIV ADV/MKTG RSRCHAssociate Director of University Advertising and Marketing Research
Public if you have a public bio or are listed as a member on an Offices and Services or Groups page. Otherwise, this field is visible to any logged-in user.

Alternate Phone Number (Editable)

Use this field to display a department or administrative assistant phone number for people that cannot see your direct extension. Note that leaving this field blank means students and alumni will not see a phone number for you in the Directory.

Enter the 4-digit extension of the alternate phone number you want to display.

This field is only visible to logged-in users.

Work Email (Editable)

Use this field to display a second email address. This is useful if you primarily work out of a department or position email address.

Primary Checkbox

Checking "Primary" means your Work Email will show on the search results page instead of your Biola Email.

This field is only visible to logged-in users.

Office Location (Editable)

Use this field to display your office location.

Location Examples

  • Library, Upper Level (Building 37)
  • Sutherland Hall, Room 117 (Building 39)

Style Guide

This field may be re-formatted by an admin to ensure consistency of format.

Public if you have a public bio or are listed as a member on an Offices and Services or Groups page. Otherwise, this field is visible to any logged-in user.

Describe your job (Editable)

Use this field to provide a short description of your role at Biola. This field is useful in helping others determine who is the right person to contact for a given topic.

Example #1

"My primary role is liaison between the UCM Design Studio and other departments, as we partner to meet Biola's marketing needs through print and web design projects."

Example #2

"I figure out how to make Biola websites visually attractive and easy to use. I work with color, type, texture, composition, photography and interactive behavior. I also help build the sites I design."

Public if you have a public bio or are listed as a member on an Offices and Services or Groups page. Otherwise, this field is visible to any logged-in user.

Assistants (Editable)

Use this field if you have an administrative assistant. This is especially helpful if your assistant is your primary contact for general inquiries or scheduling meetings.Public if you have a public bio or are listed as a member on an Offices and Services or Groups page. Otherwise, this field is visible to any logged-in user.

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