Registrar and Financial Aid Sign

Registrar and Financial Aid Sign

Support Plan

Ken Gilson (Registrar) and Geoff Marsh (Financial Aid) agreed to share the cost for all future billable repairs for the 65" digital sign that is shared by their departments.

Email History

On Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Scott Himes <scott.himes@biola.edu> wrote:

Hi all,
Below is documentation of an agreement by Ken Gilson and Geoff Marsh that they will cover the costs of any future maintenance of the Registrar/Financial Aid digital sign. 
I'm forwarding this to you all as a means of getting this info into our shared body of knowledge, so that it doesn't end up living in one or two people's heads when it breaks 4 years from now. 
James & Gregg : could you guys please work together to add this information to the asset records in WHD for all the components related to this digital sign (TV, Mac Mini, etc.)? I'm not sure that's the best place for this info, but it does seem like it should live alongside our record of the hardware itself.
Scott Himes| Biola University
Director, Network Operations
Information Technology |562.777.4090

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gregg Sasis <gregg.sasis@biola.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: Digital Display MME Future Repairs
To: Ken Campbell <ken.campbell@biola.edu>, Scott Himes <scott.himes@biola.edu>, Jeff Silzer <jeff.silzer@biola.edu>
Cc: Geoff Marsh <geoff.marsh@biola.edu>, Ken Gilson <ken.gilson@biola.edu>

Thanks, Ken.

Hello Jeff and Scott,

The future billable repairs for the 65" Digital Sign will be shared by the Registrar and Financial Aid Offices. I inquired about it with Ken.

The NEC Commercial Grade display has a three year warranty.


Gregg Sasis
Lead Infrastructure Technician
IT Network Operations
Biola University
1562 944-0351 x5004

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 12:18 PM, Ken Campbell <ken.campbell@biola.edu> wrote:
Got your message.
shared between Ken Gilson Registrar and Geoff Marsh Fin. Aid
Ken Campbell
Manager of Planning, Design & Construction
Facilities Management
Biola University