Send a fax using a Dialing Authorization Code

Send a fax using a Dialing Authorization Code

To send a fax from a campus BizHub

  1. Slide Biola ID Card to gain access to BizHub copier/printer
  2. Tap Choose
  3. Select appropriate Charge Code
  4. Tap OK through three screens
  5. Select Fax/Scan
  6. Select Direct Input
  7. Place document on feeder
  8. Select Fax
  9. Enter one of the following dialing examples on the keyboard
    1. On Campus:
      1. Enter 4 digit fax extension
    2. Long Distance
      1. 9 + fax phone number + seven digit Dialing Authorization Code (DAC) + # symbol
      2. Example:   9 + 1562 9034748  + 1234567 + # symbol
    3. International
      1. 9 + 011 + country code + fax phone number + seven digit Dialing Authorization Code (DAC) + # symbol
      2. Example:   9 + 011 + 123 + 4567 + # + 1234567 + # symbol
  10. Press Start

To send a fax from a campus fax machine

  1. Enter one of the following dialing examples on the keyboard:
    1. On Campus:
      1. Enter 4 digit fax extension
    2. Long Distance
      1. 9 + fax phone number + seven digit Dialing Authorization Code (DAC) + # symbol
      2. Example:   9 + 1562 9034748 + 1234567 + # symbol
    3. International
      1. 9 + 011 + Country Code + fax phone number + seven digit Dialing Authorization Code (DAC) + # symbol
      2. Example:   9 + 011 + 123 + 4567 + # symbol + 1234567 + # symbol

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