Resetting Cisco Jabber on a Mac

Resetting Cisco Jabber on a Mac

If Cisco Jabber is not working properly even after restarting the application or the computer, please follow these steps to reset the application and sign in again.

  1. Select Sign Out from the Jabber drop down menu
  2. Click on Reset Jabber
    1. Note: On Mac Jabber 12.7+, the domain isn't cleared from Jabber config (which means after reset only the NetID/password screen is displayed) unless you also remove /Users/<userid>/Library/Application Support/Cisco/Unified Communications/Jabber. You may also clear logs by removing /Users/<userid>/Library/Logs/Jabber/).
  3. Enter your email address (use NetID@biola.edu if off-campus & not on VPN)

  4. Click Continue
  5. Enter your NetID password in the password field
  6. Click Sign In to login to Jabber