November 14, 2013 Release Notes
A new look
The Digital Signage manager has a whole new look. We simplified the interface to make it easier to do the most important task: publish a new slide.
Drag and Drop Slide Creation
Quickly publish image-based slides by dragging and dropping them onto your sign's slide show.
Search for Slides
Find slides by title with the new text search or use the filters to find slides by status.
Find slides from other departments using the "All Slides" filter.
Duplicate a slide
Use the fork feature to create a copy of a slide. Copy a slide from someone else's sign or just create a copy of your own to publish it multiple times in your slideshow.
Add multiple slides to a sign at once
The "Add to Sign" button lets you add one or more slides to a sign at once.
Bulk Edit Slides
Quickly change the duration for all your slides at once using the new bulk edit feature. Hold down "Shift" or "Alt" and click to select multiple slides at once. Then click on bulk edit to make changes to all selected slides.