

Confluence is IT’s recommended tool for sharing online documentation, manuals and internal departmental information.

Users can manage who can access a Confluence space by adding/removing users from the appropriate access.biola.edu access group.

Need Help?

Please contact Biola Tech Support. For contact information, methods, and hours please visit our Biola IT Technical Support page.

How to Get a New Confluence Space

Staff & Faculty:

  • Please contact the IT Helpdesk at it.helpdesk@biola.edu and provide the following information:
    • Desired name of the space.
    • If the space will contain internal documentation only, or if it will be shared on the web.
    • Who will manage access and administration of the space.


  • Confluence is not available for personal use at this time.
Requirements for the Service
  • The requestor must be Staff/Faculty.
Support Documentation