Google Storage Quotas

Google Storage Quotas

Information about Quotas 

What happens when you exceed the storage quota?

Google will immediately notify you when you exceed your storage quota. A red banner will appear in the sidebar and the top of the screen in Google Drive, Docs, and most other services informing you that your storage is full. You may also receive error messages when attempting to create new documents or upload files.

What do I do when I exceed my storage quota?


  1. Navigate to https://drive.google.com/drive/quota
  2. Remove personal data from the drive and delete unneeded files.
  3. If needed, Transfer Your Data to a Personal Google Account.
  4. If still over quota, consider Biola's OneDrive for students.
  5. If your Biola education requires additional storage on Google Drive:
    1. Contact Biola IT Technical Support to inquire about upgrading your Drive storage. After review, we can offer potential options to allow for more storage.

Staff / Faculty

  1. Navigate to https://drive.google.com/drive/quota
  2. Remove personal data from your Biola Google Drive: How to Identify and Remove Personal Data from your Biola Employee Google Workspace Account
  3. If applicable, remove former employee data: How to Move Former Employee Google Data to a Department Google Shared Drive.
  4. Work with IT to get the storage you need. 
    1. Use a Google Shared Drive. Department Google Shared Drives can be used to consolidate department and team information in a single location and store and share files. To request a Department Google Shared Drive complete the Department Google Shared Drive Request Form.
    2. Request Additional Storage: Biola IT recognizes that there are cases where a faculty or staff has the need to store a large amount of data. Complete this form to request additional storage

How will exceeding the storage quota affect your Google account?

These effects will happen immediately if your account goes over your allotted quota. 


  1. You can send and receive Gmail messages.
  2. You can send and receive Gmail messages with uploaded attachments.
  3. You cannot add attachments larger than 25MB to your messages using Drive.

Drive, Docs, and other Services

  1. You can log into your Google Account and manage your storage.
  2. You can move and delete files from your Google Drive and other services.
  3. You cannot upload new files to Google Drive.
  4. You cannot add files shared with you to your My Drive.
  5. You cannot create new files in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides or any similar Google service.
  6. You cannot edit files (e.g. .docx files) syncing with Google Drive for Desktop.
  7. You cannot add or sync new photos to Google Photos.
  8. You cannot record new meetings in Google Meet.
  9. You cannot edit existing files you own in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, nor can anyone else.
  10. Other users can share files with you.
  11. Other users cannot transfer file ownership to you.

Example of warning messages

Google will display a warning message if you exceed the storage quota on your account. This warning message will look different based on the service you are using (e.g. Google Drive vs. Google Photos). There are some example warning messages below. If you see a message like this, then you must reduce your storage.

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