How to Delete a %biola.edu@gtempaccount.com Gmail Account

How to Delete a %biola.edu@gtempaccount.com Gmail Account


This page gives the steps to delete a %biola.edu@gtempaccount account.

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What to do


Using a different browser than you normally use, or in an Incognito/InPrivate/Private browser window, go to Gmail.com.

2Sign in with the GTemp Account (e.g. firstname.lastname%biola.edu@gtempaccount.com).
3Then put in the password that you would have most likely used when this account was created.
4If you don't recall this password, follow the password reset options.

Once signed in, you will need to delete the account:

  1. Go to https://myaccount.google.com/
  2. Under Account preferences, click Delete your account or services.
  3. Click Delete Google Account account and data.
  4. Follow through the steps to delete the account.