Using Zoom for Emergency Remote Instruction
Using Zoom for Emergency Remote Instruction
Best Practices and Procedures
- Create your Zoom Meetings in Canvas and take advantage of the Zoom/Canvas integration. Here are a few benefits:
- Zoom Meeting links and times will be available within your Canvas course shell. You and your students can easily access the meetings from within Canvas.
- Students will be automatically authenticated into the meeting and any related recordings from within Canvas.
- Students can access recording links from within Canvas.
- Only create your Zoom Meetings when you need them. Creating them early may confuse students.
- Name your Zoom Meetings after your course number and section (e.g. BBST101 01). This will help IT to support the meeting and recordings.
- Configure your Zoom Meetings to record automatically. This way you won’t forget to start the recording.
- Only create Zoom Meeting in Canvas once your Canvas course shell is finalized. For example, if you create meetings before you merge courses in Canvas, you will need to create your Zoom Meetings.
- Be prepared to teach from your home or office by setting up your environment and acquiring the right equipment.
- Request a Zoom License for your TA if you’d like them to help you run your Zoom Meetings.
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